Pass the Ordinance granting variances from Section 6-16-5:2.2.2 (Sign Area) and from Section 6-16-5:2.2.4 (Sign Height) to allow for the installation of a ground sign at the subject property located at 1568 W. Ogden Avenue, Naperville, PZC 17-1-079.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered PZC 17-1-079 on August 16, 2017 and on September 6, 2017 and voted to recommend approval of the case (Approved, 7-0). Staff concurs.
The petitioner, Patel Brothers/SignMax, seeks to install a ground sign at the subject property which requires variances from both the Municipal Code sign height and area regulations. The petitioner will be re-using an existing footing and poles from the previous sign on the subject property. At the August 16, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the petitioner proposed a 17' tall monument sign with 120 square feet of sign area. Staff and the PZC raised concern with the total area of the sign. Commissioners Fessler and Williams also expressed concern with the overall height of the sign. The PZC requested that the petitioner work with staff to modify the sign and continued PZC 17-1-079 to the September 6, 2017 meeting. Further information regarding the petitioner's modifications can be found under the discussion below.
The subject property is zoned B3 PUD (General Commercial District - Planned Unit Development) and is approximately 8 acres in size. Located on the east side of Ogden Avenue, south of Jefferson Avenue, the subject property has a common address of 1568 W. Ogden Avenue. The property is currently improved with single-story commercial building and surface parking lot. The East Sector Update to the Comprehensive Master Plan (1998) describes the future land use of the subject property as "Commercial"; the proposed land use is compatible with th...
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