Approve the Award of Bid 18-258, Electric Utility Distribution, to Meade Electric Company, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $11,265,395.33, plus a 3% contingency and for a two-year term
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Mark Curran, Director
This contract is a unit price bid and includes furnishing all labor, equipment and tools necessary for installation and maintenance of the underground and overhead 12kV, 34kV and 138kV electric utility facilities including: fiber optics, street lights and directional boring. Work is performed in easements and right-of-ways and includes residential, commercial and road sites. The majority of the Electric Utility's infrastructure (93%) is located underground.
Initial projects currently planned for this contract period include:
o Capital Maintenance Projects:
* Naper Bailey - replace uninjectable spans
* Brooks Crossing - cable replacement
* DuPage River East Phase 1 & 2 - cable injection
* Hobson West - cable injection
* Old Farm - cable injection
* Tollway to Indian Hill Feeder
* Washington/Gartner Feeder
* Duct bank extension - Jefferson Ave from Main to Webster
* Osmose pole replacements
* Fiber optic installations
* System repairs/replacements due to failures
o Capital Projects (New Development):
* Clow Creek Farm
* Avenida
* Charlestown Row II
* Polo Club Subdivision
* Whirlyball
* Wagner Farm Subdivision
* KLA School - Tuthill Rd
* Best Buy Carpets
* Iron Gate Motors Phase 2A
* City Gate North
* McDowell Point Apartments
* City Gate Apartments
* Southwest Community Park
* National Rifle and Pistol Academy
* New Residential Services and Service Relocations
At least 90% of capital costs associated with new development are recouped through the Facility Installation Charge (FIC) fees.
This work will continue to be completed through a combination of Utility crews and the contractor. The City U...
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