Pass the ordinance approving a sign variance for Starbucks (PZC 18-1-049) at 215 E Ogden Avenue
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter on June 6, 2018 and voted to recommend approval of the request (approved 8-0) subject to the condition in the staff report. Staff concurs.
The property is located on the north side of E Ogden Avenue, northeast of the intersection of Ogden Avenue and Washington Street, with a common street address of 215 E Ogden Avenue. The property is approximately 0.6 acres, and is improved with an existing multi-tenant commercial building and associated surface parking. West of the subject property is the Jewel/Osco grocery store and parking lot.
The petitioner, Malisa Crow (Hilton Displays), proposes to install wall signage on the west façade of the building. Per Municipal Code Section 6-16-5:2.1 <>, wall signage is permitted on facades where there is customer access and/or customer parking available. There is neither customer access, nor customer parking available on the west side of the building; therefore, the petitioner requests a variance to permit the proposed signage on the west façade of the building. If customer parking was available west of the building 43.5 square feet of signage would be permitted on the west façade. The petitioner is proposing three wall signs totaling 48.33 square feet, exceeding the 43.5 square feet that would have been permitted if customer parking was available west of the building by 4.83 square feet.
The petitioner has stated the proposed signage will assist in wayfinding to the business, and traffic flow as it will allow drivers traveling eastbound on Ogden Avenue to see the business and turn into the shopping center sooner. The property is located within an established commercial corridor and wall signage is not out of character for the area. In addition, the proposed signs face other commercial properties and would have little to no impact on adjacent properties. The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Variance are included in the Development Petition. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by the City Council. If the City Council finds the sign variance meets the standards for granting a variance, staff recommends approval of the sign variance be subject to the condition that the signage does not exceed 43.5 square feet.
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter at their meeting on June 6, 2018. The Planning and Zoning Commission inquired about the need for the proposed signs, and moved to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner and approve PZC 18-1-049 (approved 8-0) subject to the condition in the staff report which recommended reduction in the proposed sign size to 43.5 square feet. Staff concurs with the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation ad has reflected this condition in the ordinance approving the variance. However, since the PZC meeting the petitioner has indicated they would still like to seek approval of the larger sign size of 48.33 square feet. Should the City Council concur with the petitioner’s request, the attached ordinance can be amended from the dais.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner requests approval of a sign variance to install wall signage on the west façade of the building located at 215 E Ogden Avenue.
§ Staff and the PZC recommend the signage be approved at a maximum of 43.5 square feet; the petitioner is requesting approval of 48.33 square feet of signage.