File #: 24-1228    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Change Order Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/22/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/5/2024 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Change Order #3 to Contract 24-026, 2024 Downtown Streetscape - Washington Street, to Copenhaver Construction, Inc. for an additional 26 days
Attachments: 1. Copenhaver_CompletionDateExtensionRequest
Related files: 23-1380, 24-0453




Approve the award of Change Order #3 to Contract 24-026, 2024 Downtown Streetscape - Washington Street, to Copenhaver Construction, Inc. for an additional 26 days



DEPARTMENT:                     Transportation, Engineering and Development


SUBMITTED BY:                     William J. Novack, P.E., Director of Transportation, Engineering and Development/City Engineer





The City Council awarded Contract 24-026 to Copenhaver Construction, Inc. on December 19, 2023, with a completion date of October 14, 2024. The purpose of this contract is to rebuild Washington Street, between Chicago Avenue and Benton Avenue. This work includes the reconstruction of streets, curbs and sidewalks, as well as utility improvements to include storm sewer, water mains, street lighting and underground electric service, and all incidental and collateral work necessary to complete the project as shown on the final construction plans.


On May 7, 2024, City Council approved Change Order #1 to add $479,501.76 related to items not anticipated at the time of bidding. These items included additional non-special waste disposal, additional planter seat walls, and the removal of two underground storage tanks. This change order also accounted for increases and decreases for several pay items based on measured quantities in the field. Time and material costs to resolve other unexpected circumstances of a smaller scope were also included in the change order.


On September 3, 2024, the City Manager approved Change Order #2 to add $168,337.52 and 18 days to the contract. This was a contingency change order requested to pay for additional material overages as measured in the field, AUP related work and work completed through Force Account. This additional work, including additional lead service replacement and installation of electric handholes for future wayfinding signage, required additional time for completion.



This Change Order is requested to provide additional time for the contractor to complete work added to the contract. Attached is a request from Copenhaver Construction, Inc. detailing the additional work added to the project throughout the course of construction.


The streetscape project is directly adjacent to the project limits for the reconstruction of the Washington Street bridge. In the vicinity of the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Washington Street, there is even an overlap in the work zones. While Copenhaver Construction is responsible for the reconstruction of the pavement in the intersection, the bridge contractor is responsible for a portion of the utility work in the area.


The construction of the bridge is behind schedule. The construction sequencing of the streetscape project is impacted by this change in schedule. To keep the streetscape project moving, several work items from the bridge project were moved to the streetscape project. This includes the installation and rebuilding of utilities in the intersection that need to be completed prior to pavement reconstruction.


Additionally, the phasing of the intersection reconstruction was heavily impacted by the bridge project. Additional stages of traffic control will be required to complete the work, as well as a large temporary asphalt patch south of Chicago to allow for maintenance of two-way traffic while the intersection is reconstructed.


At this time, all sidewalks throughout the project limits are complete. Final surface paving is scheduled for the first week in November. Once paving is complete, the project elements that have the greatest impact on the public and downtown businesses will be complete. This extension will allow the contractor additional time to complete the remaining smaller project elements.


Staff is requesting an additional 26 days to complete the project. The new contract completion date would be November 27, 2024.



There is no direct fiscal impact. This is request for a time extension.