Approve the award of RFP 19-112, Downtown Streetscape Phase II Design Engineering, to Civiltech Engineering for an amount not to exceed $128,831.35
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
In 2018 the Rubin Partnership, the property owner of over half of Block 429 in downtown Naperville, hired Hitchcock Design Group and Roake and Associates to provide professional services to improve the streetscape in portions of Block 429. It was initially believed that the work would be financed and paid back through a limited property owner special service area. As initial design constraints were discovered, such as a less than desired sidewalk width on the west side of Main Street due to the angled parking on the east side of the street, the boundaries of the improvements and the scope expanded.
The project expanded to include the east side of Main Street, which then necessitated rebuilding Main Street, which then lead to replacing and updating the City's electric, water and wastewater utilities along Main Street and Jefferson Avenue. The expanded project now had more City improvements (street and utilities) than the original owner-led streetscape improvements. As a result, City staff decided it would be best for the City to take the lead on the project.
To that end, City staff presented two recommendations to City Council at the April 16, 2019 City Council meeting. First, staff recommended the City reimburse the Rubin Partnership for the cost of the preliminary engineering work completed by its consultants. Second, staff recommended the use of a modified procurement process to solicit proposals from the City's prequalified shortlisted consultants for utility and roadway improvements as well as the consultants who worked on the preliminary engineering for the Rubin Partnership. The City Council approved both ...
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