Approve the award of Bid 21-001, 2021 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT, to K-Five Construction, for an amount not to exceed $3,739,514.10, plus a 3% contingency (Item 1 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
The other related item on the City Council agenda is:
* 21-0431 Adopt a resolution to allow for the expenditure of State Motor Fuel Tax
Roads are vital to our community in that they are essential to the economic prosperity of the City and to the lives of the people who use them. Ensuring the road network functions efficiently and safely is a City priority. The preservation programs help extend the useful life of the pavement while resurfacing the streets at the optimum time maximizes the life of the pavement without damaging the roadway base.
The annual resurfacing program serves to ensure in smooth roads and protects the investment in the pavement base. When resurfacing is delayed, the roadway can no longer be effectively resurfaced and the base failures will lead the new pavement to fail much sooner than normal. This results in the expenditure of additional funds just to keep the roadways in a serviceable condition.
The City currently maintains almost 460 centerline miles of road through the annual street maintenance program and will conduct two street resurfacing programs in 2021: one using state motor fuel tax (MFT) funds and the other using both MFT and City funds. Having two smaller bids increases the number of vendors with the capacity to perform the work.
In March 2021, the Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Business Group issued Bid 21-001, 2021 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT, to seek contractors to resurface approximately 65,096 feet (12.33 miles) of various local roadways. This is an annual program to rehabilitate existing streets by resurfacing the existi...
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