Receive the staff report for the Mill and Bauer Townhomes located at 27W280 Bauer Road and conduct the public hearing to consider the Annexation Agreement and related ordinances for said property - PZC 23-1-006 (Item 1 of 5)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Allison Laff, AICP, Deputy Director
The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted the public hearing for PZC 23-1-006 on June 7th and July 19, 2023. Four members of the public spoke in opposition to the proposed development at each public hearing. During discussion, some PZC members expressed concerns regarding the appropriateness of the proposed development on the subject property, as well as the transition to properties to the east. At the conclusion of the public hearing on July 19th, the PZC made a motion to approve PZC 23-1-006 (approved - vote 5 in favor; 4 opposed).
The Petitioner, Mill & Bauer, LLC, has submitted a petition to annex 27W280 Bauer Road, which is located at the northeast corner of Mill Street and Bauer Road, into the City of Naperville. The subject property is approximately 39,069 square feet in size. Upon annexation, the Petitioner is requesting rezoning to TU, a preliminary/final plat of subdivision, and a density variance to develop the property with 10 townhome units located within two buildings (one 7-unit building; one 3-unit building).
The dwelling units will be rental townhome units and the owner will take care of all exterior maintenance, landscaping and any necessary snow removal. A roadway access point is provided into the development from Bauer Road and will connect to a private roadway to be located behind the buildings. The petitioner is platting cross-access in order for the private roadway to be connected to the eastern property line should the properties to the east redevelop in the future. An additional right-out only exit is provid...
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