Pass the ordinance approving a variance from Section 6-2-12:1.1 and a variance from Section 6-2-12:1.2 in order to permit a 4' 6" tall steel open fence with 5' 6" tall brick piers within the required front and corner side yard setback at the subject property located at 1227 Olesen Drive, Naperville - PZC 19-1-073
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered PZC 19-1-073 on August 21, 2019; no members of the public provided testimony on this case. The PZC voted to recommend approval of the case (Approved, 8-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property is zoned R1A (Low Density Single Family Residence District) and is located at the northwest corner of Hobson Road and Olesen Drive. The R1A zoning district has a front and corner side yard setback of 30'. The 1.3 acre property is currently improved with a single-family residence.
The subject property is bounded by Hobson Road to the south and Olesen Drive to the east. By code, Hobson Road has additional fence regulations that limit the permitted fencing materials along Hobson Road to aluminum, wrought iron, PVC, split rail, and three-board fencing. The proposal calls for installation of a steel fence. Staff finds the proposed steel fence material to be of a similar, but higher quality, than aluminum and therefore finds that the proposed fence material is permitted at the subject property.
The owners and petitioners, Scott Mitchell and Christine Stauffer, request approval of a variance to allow for construction of a 4' 6" tall steel open fence with 16 brick piers that are 5' 6" tall, 2' wide and are spaced every 30' to be located along the property lines within the required front and corner side yard. The petitioner requests the variance for the purpose of installing a fence that is both aesthetically pleasing and provi...
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