File #: 22-1313    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Change Order Status: Passed
File created: 10/27/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/15/2022 Final action: 11/15/2022
Title: Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Sole Source Procurement 21-094, Leaf Disposal Services, to BioAg for an amount not to exceed $95,000 and for a total award of 417,500
Related files: 21-0406, 24-0290

Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Sole Source Procurement 21-094, Leaf Disposal Services, to BioAg for an amount not to exceed $95,000 and for a total award of 417,500

DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works

SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director


The Department of Public Works (DPW) manages the City's annual bulk curbside leaf collection program. To aid residents with leaf disposal, the City provides two leaf collection options:
* a free bagged leaf program from the end of October through mid-December, and
* a six-week bulk curbside leaf collection, which provides residents in Naperville with three opportunities each season to rake their leaves curbside for pickup and disposal by DPW.

DPW currently uses the following two disposal methods for leaves:
* leaves are picked up by City crews and hauled to designated local farm land.
* leaves are collected by the City crews and then hauled out of the area by contractors for composting.

In April 2021, the City Council approved two leaf collection awards, 21-094 (Leaf Disposal Services) and option year three of Contract 18-146 (Leaf Disposal) for a combined total of $322,500.

The award amount mistakenly only included funding for the first year of 21-094. The agreed upon unit cost for this contract will range from $4 - $5 depending on the volume that Bioag receives from the City: $5 per cubic yard for the first 10,000 cubic yards, $4.50 for the next 10,000 cubic yards, and $4 for anything over 20,000 cubic yards. These rates are fixed for the first two years of the contract.

This change order is requested for the collection of up to 20,000 cubic yards during year two of the contract.

The term of the two-year contract is May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2023, with three additional option years available.

Leaf disposal services are budgeted to the Refuse and Recyclin...

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