Approve the award of Option Year One to Contract 18-027, Architectural and Engineering Services, to Kluber Architects and Engineers and Legat Architects, Inc. for an amount not
to exceed $125,000
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for maintaining the operation and appearance of 56 City-owned facilities including the Municipal Center, Police Department, Public Works Service Center, Electric Service Center, ten Fire stations, 16 electrical substations, two commuter rail train stations, and four parking decks.
To maintain the operation and appearance of the facilities, DPW retains the services of a multi-disciplinary architectural and engineering (A&E) firm with expertise in general building, concrete, masonry, aggregate, steel, paving, mechanical, electrical, and specialty construction. The A&E consultant is responsible for the development, design, owner representation, bidding assistance, and project management of small to mid-sized planned and ad hoc projects for the City.
On December 4, 2018, the City Council approved the award of RFQ 18-027, Architectural and Engineering Services, to Kluber Architects and Engineers and Legat Architects, Inc. for a two-year period, with four one-year options to extend the contract. The goal of the procurement was to partner with one or more vendors to provide a full range of services, including but not limited to architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services to provide a safe, clean and productive work environment for the public and City employees.
During the original term of the contract, both vendors have collaborated with staff to develop project scopes within the approved budget amounts. Additionally, both firms have acted on the City's behalf on projects where material sub...
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