Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 19-009, 248th Avenue Preliminary Engineering Study, to Civiltech Engineering for an amount not to exceed $39,998 and a total award of $341,079
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
The section of 248th Avenue between 95th Street and 103rd Street is currently a rural two-lane road with gravel shoulders and ditches on both sides. This portion of the 248th Avenue corridor is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP# SC190) and Road Improvement Plan for improvement to minor arterial road standards with two lanes in each direction and a center turn lane.
On June 18, 2019, City Council awarded Contract 19-009 to Civiltech Engineering for an amount not to exceed $301,081. The purpose of this contract is to perform a preliminary engineering study of the proposed roadway improvements. Once complete, this study will allow the City to submit for federal funding of the construction phase of the project.
This change order is requested to accommodate new requirements and additional public involvement not included in the original scope of services as described below.
Additional Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Analysis and Documentation
The preliminary engineering study must be reviewed and approved by IDOT to be eligible for future federal funding. During their initial review of the draft project report, IDOT informed the City's consultant that the following additional analysis and documentation are required:
* A technical memorandum that evaluates the safety benefits of the project in accordance with the Highway Safety Manual
* More detailed geometric design and evaluation of the existing shared use path that is included in the 248th Avenue corridor
* A second IDOT review submittal of the pre-final project development report...
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