Approve the award of Bid 18-111, Martin Mitchell Mansion Roof Preservation Project, to Renaissance Roofing Inc. for an amount not to exceed $348,300, plus a 5% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Naper Settlement
SUBMITTED BY: Harriet Pistorio, Chief Operating Officer
Naper Settlement issued Bid 18-111 seeking vendors to conduct historic roof preservation repairs and replacement to the Martin Mitchell Mansion. The major areas of metal roof preservation include specific removals and replacement of historic flat and standing seam sheet metal roofs, restoration of decorative roof crest railings and finials, gutters and downspouts, related roof carpentry, masonry parge coat, slate repairs, and lightning suppression adjustments.
The coated sheet metal existing on the Mansion's flat roof and gutters did not warrant replacement during the building's restoration from 2000 through 2002. However, since then and after further detailed assessments, the metal has further deteriorated leading to the recommendation and approval of a CIP project to perform metal roof preservation.
The Illinois Historical Preservation Association (IHPA) approved the ongoing preservation and restoration techniques that will be used to match the existing conditions and maintain the building's historic value. These recommended and planned preservation methodologies will be implemented using a qualified historic preservation roofing contractor, who will replicate and repair original metal roofing structures. The installed preservation repairs will restore the metal roofing features to meet their original designs, preserving and extending the future life of the various metal roofing parts for approximately 45 to 50 years with proper, planned roof inspections and cyclical preventative metal roof maintenance.
Advertise Date: 05/14/18 Notices Sent: 122
Opening Date: 06/01/18 Planholders: 15
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