Approve the award of Change Order #2 to RFQ 17-220, Phase 2 Engineering Design Services for Downtown Washington Street Bridge Improvements, to Ciorba Group for an amount not to exceed $102,877 and a total award of $884,175
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
On June 4, 2019, the City Council approved the award of RFQ 17-220 to Ciorba Group, Inc. as consultant to conduct the Phase 2 Design Engineering Services for the Downtown Washington Street Bridge Improvement project. The project scope that was originally approved includes the final design engineering services required to replace the three-span Washington Street Bridge with a two-span, post-tensioned bridge, as well as sanitary sewer, water main and electrical duct bank improvements.
Due to the delay of right of way acquisition, the letting date of the project moved several times, up to almost two years. Because of the delayed letting date, an additional pre-final submittal was required by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) since the time between pre-final submittals exceeded one year. Also, plans and specifications were updated based on the 2022 IDOT Standard Specifications and Highway Standards. In addition, new comments were received by IDOT and the City on the recent pre-final plan submittal that needed to be addressed in the final submittal. The City also requested the consultant make design modifications and prepare additional documents based on right of way negotiations with property owners and updated streetscape standards.
The recent bridge inspections in September and October showed signs of increased deterioration. After consultation with the bridge office from the IDOT the City was directed to lower the posted weight limit from 15 tons to eight tons and close the outside southbound lane and the inside nort...
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