Conduct the public hearing to consider a major change to the Naper West PUD with deviations to allow for the outdoor storage of vehicles and to reduce the amount of required off-street parking at the subject property located at 504 - 510 S. Route 59, Unit 504, Naperville, IL (Avis Rent-A-Car) - PZC 18-1-090
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 18-1-090 was published in the Naperville Sun on August 19, 2018.
At the August 21, 2018 City Council meeting, Council granted the petitioner, Bonnie Management Corporation on behalf of Avis Rent-A-Car, an at risk occupancy of the tenant space at 504 - 510 S. Route 59, Unit 504. Avis previously occupied a tenant space at Fox Valley Mall and received notice that they would have to vacate the space. City Council permitted Avis to occupy the subject property provided that Avis complies with all building and fire codes and receives the required zoning entitlements, which include a major change to a planned unit development (PUD) with deviations to allow for outdoor storage of vehicles and to reduce the required amount of parking.
The subject property was originally developed in 1982 as a part of Lot 1 of the Naper West Planned Unit Development. Located south of Aurora Avenue, east of Route 59, the subject property has a common address of 504-510 S. Route 59. The tenant space is currently vacant and is zoned B2 PUD (Community Shopping District - Planned Unit Development). The Northwest Sector Plan (1996) identifies the future land use of the subject property as commercial; the proposed use is compatible with this designation.
Major Change to Amend a Planned Unit Development
As noted above, the subject property is part of the Naper West PUD. The petitioner is requesting deviations to allow the outdoor storage of vehicles and to reduce the amount of required off-street parking. Per Section 6-4-6:1 (Changes to Final Planned Unit Development: Major Change), the deviation requests require approval of a major change to the PUD. Staff finds the proposed car rental facility use is complimentary to the uses within the existing planned unit development and is in support of the request for a major change.
Requested PUD Deviations:
• Outdoor Storage: The petitioner requests a deviation to Section 6-7B-4 (B2 District: Required Conditions) to allow the outdoor storage of rental vehicles. Section 6-7B-4 states that all business, servicing, or processing, except for off street parking or loading, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. The retail sale of motor vehicles is excluded from this provision.
The petitioner is proposing to park between 5 to 20 rental cars on site. Per the petitioner, the goal of the facility is to rent the cars and not store them. The vehicles will be parked/stored on the north side of the building adjacent to the tenant space. The entrances to the other tenant spaces, as well as most of the parking, is located to the west of the building. Given these factors, staff is in support of the deviation request based upon the following condition:
1. The petitioner is required to plant evergreen trees along Aurora Avenue to screen the stored vehicles.
• Parking: The petitioner also requests a deviation to Section 6-9-3 (Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements) to reduce the required amount of parking on the subject property. In 2014, Chuck E. Cheese was granted a variance to reduce the amount of required parking on the subject property. The petitioner is required to seek additional relief as the City’s parking requirements account for customer and employee parking, but do not account for the storage of vehicles. The tenant space is approximately 2,100 square feet and is required to provide 10 parking spaces. The petitioner is proposing to store between 5 to 20 cars, in addition to the employees and customers that will park on site.
The petitioner has provided a parking count which details the number of cars parked in the subject property over a period of several days. The parking lot can accommodate 488 cars. The parking count study conducted by the petitioner found that the peak parking day is Saturday with a maximum of 164 cars parking in the lot at 6pm. It is also important to note there is shared parking over the entirety of the lot. Based on these counts and the shared parking, staff finds the existing parking supply can accommodate the proposed rental car facility and recommends approval of the deviation request subject to the following condition:
1. In the event that the current and proposed tenants’ parking needs cannot be accommodated within the existing parking on the Subject Property, the Petitioner and Owner shall take measures, such as requiring tenants to alter business hours, number of employees or other business operations, alter the tenant mix, or establish an overflow parking location off-site, as necessary, to meet the parking demands of the tenants, subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator.
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Amending a PUD and the Standards for Approving a PUD deviation are attached. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s findings and recommends their adoption by the City Council.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner is requesting a major change to the Naper West PUD with deviations to allow for the outdoor storage of vehicles and to reduce the amount of required off-street parking in order to occupy the tenant space at 504 S. Route 59 with an Avis Rent-A-Car facility.
§ Staff supports the requests because the use is compatible with the surrounding uses and the site can accommodate the necessary parking and vehicle storage.