Waive the first reading and pass the Ordinance approving a text amendment to Municipal Code Section 6-7F (OCI: Office Commercial and Institutional District) to permit self-storage facilities, subject to conditions (PZC 17-1-090).
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter on September 6, 2017 and voted to recommend approval of the request (approved 7-0). Staff concurs.
5995 Naperville Self Storage LLC has petitioned the City to amend the OCI zoning district regulations to permit self-storage facilities in the OCI district, subject to certain conditions. The proposed text amendment to the OCI district was prompted by the petitioner’s interest in developing a self-storage facility at 2708 Forgue Drive, located in the Cantore Place Planned Unit Development (PUD). In preliminary discussions between staff and the petitioner, it became clear that the proposed self-storage facility would be sufficiently different from other facilities to warrant consideration of a text amendment to allow the use in the OCI district. The proposed text amendment is being processed concurrently with the petitioner’s associated entitlement requests for their proposed self-storage facility at 2708 Forgue Drive.
The intent of the OCI district is “to act as a transitional zone between intensive business areas and residential neighborhoods.” As such the permitted and conditional uses in the OCI district include uses such as: offices, financial institutions, civic/cultural buildings, daycare centers, religious institutions, beauty salons, nursing homes, multi-family dwellings, and public and private utility facilities (complete list of current permitted and conditional uses attached); which tend to have lesser impacts on adjacent properties than other commercial uses. Self-storage facilities have traditionally been perceived as relatively intense commercial uses, generally designed with exterior drive-up storage areas and more industrial style architecture. However, self-storage facilities may instead be designed in such a way to minimize external impacts, for example, with all loading activities taking place inside the building and context sensitive architecture. In addition, self-storage facilities typically have a low number of customers and employees at the facilities at any one time and a limited number of vehicle trips per day as compared to other commercial uses. These factors make it possible to reduce the potential impact on adjacent properties.
The proposed text amendment would permit self-storage facilities when located within a PUD, and subject to a number of conditions. The required conditions proposed for self-storage facilities in the OCI district are as follows:
1. The property on which the self-storage facility is located shall not exceed 10% of the total acreage of the planned unit development in which it is located;
2. Self-storage facilities shall not directly abut any arterial or collector road.
3. Self-storage facilities shall be limited to a maximum of 3 stories in height;
4. Self-storage facilities shall be fully enclosed and all operations, including loading and unloading, must be conducted entirely within the building;
5. Trucks greater than 26’ in length are prohibited from accessing the site;
6. Outside display, or storage of equipment, materials or motor vehicles, is prohibited;
7. All sides of the building shall contain architectural detail and masonry materials to fit harmoniously with the character, use and zoning of the surrounding properties; and
8. The self-storage facility shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the planned unit development in which the self-storage facility is located.
The intent behind the required conditions for self-storage facilities is to ensure minimal impact of the facility on surrounding properties, no greater than other uses already permitted in the OCI district. Staff finds the required conditions make self-storage facilities suitable for the OCI district, by strictly limiting loading activities to inside the building, limiting the number of stories in the building, and requiring architectural design that is compatible with the surrounding character.
Key Takeaways
§ The proposed text amendment permits self-storage facilities in the OCI district, subject to conditions.
§ Staff supports the text amendment because the required conditions will ensure self-storage facilities will be compatible with surrounding land uses and comply with the intent of the OCI district to provide a transition between commercial and residential neighborhoods.
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter at their meeting on September 6, 2017. No members of the public testified at the hearing. Following brief discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission moved to recommend approval of PZC 17-1-090 (approved 7-0). Staff concurs with the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation.
Related Items
The following agenda items are related to PZC 17-1-090:
§ Requests by 5995 Naperville Self Storage LLC to rezone 2708 Forgue Drive to OCI; and
§ To approve a major change to the PUD for a final PUD, parking and loading deviations (PZC 17-1-073).