Approve the award of Change Order 1 to Procurement 17-199, Biosolids Removal Services to Stewart Spreading for an amount not to exceed $108,586 and a total award of $314,086
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
On November 7, 2017, City Council approved the award of Contract 17-199 to Stewart Spreading for a two-year term, with one one-year option to extend. The licensed contractor hauls biosolids (sludge) from the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center (SWRC) to agricultural farmland and/or sod farms. Biosolids are removed, transported and land applied by the contractor. The contractor provides the service in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503) and other federal, state and local regulations. The optional renewal in the amount of $205,500 was approved by City Council on October 1, 2019 for the final one-year term ending December 31, 2020.
Change Order 1 is requested to add $108,586 to Contract 17-199 for biosolids hauling in fall 2020. Biosolids are typically hauled seasonally in the spring and fall dependent on field conditions and planting/harvesting schedules. Poor field conditions and wet weather delayed fall 2019 hauling until January 2020. Unspent 2019 funds were removed from the contract and the delayed fall 2019 hauling event was paid using 2020 funds. The circumstances requiring this change were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed.
Spring 2020 hauling was completed in April and fall hauling is expected in September. Up to 7,500 cubic yards of biosolids will be available for hauling through the end of the year at a cost not to exceed $123,300 ($16.44/cubic yard). The current contract balance is $14,714, a shortage of $108,586.
CIP #: N/A
Biosolids hauling services are expensed to the operational service account listed below. A total of $205,500 is budgeted for contracted services to remove and agriculturally apply dewatered biosolids in 2020. The remainder of the change order will be funded through savings in training.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
41251530-531308 |
Water & Wastewater |
$ 304,500 |