Receive the staff report for Polo Club (PZC 18-1-022) located at 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street. (Item 1of 7)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered PZC 18-1-022 on July 18, 2018. The Commission voted 3-3 to approve the rezoning, resulting in no recommendation, and voted to recommend approval of the Preliminary PUD and associated deviations (Approved, 5-1). Staff concurs with the recommendation to approve the Preliminary PUD and deviations, and recommends approval of the rezoning.
The property is located at the northwest corner of 119th Street and Book Road, with common street addresses of 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street, located in unincorporated Will County. The property is approximately 110 acres and is generally used as sporting fields with a handful of auxiliary structures. The subject property is surrounded by a residential neighborhood and Riverview Farmstead Preserve to the north; Book Road, Riverview Farmstead Preserve, and the DuPage River, to the east; 119st Street, Riverview Farmstead Preserve, a residential neighborhood, and agricultural property to the south; and a lawncare business to the west.
While the subject property is not located within the City’s current planning boundary, it is adjacent to property located within the City and to the Southwest Community Area Plan boundary. Staff has identified the following goals from the Southwest Community Area Plan which the proposed development furthers:
1. A range of housing opportunities meeting a variety of lifestyles (p.9):
a. Identify various residential product types and establish ways in which they can be integrated in a compatible manner
2. Balance development with ample open space and recreational areas, while protecting natural and environmentally sensitive resources (p.9):
a. Plan and develop links … between recreation and open space uses
b. Link environmental features for use as recreational … amenities within the Southwest Community Area
3. Safe and convenient roadways which seek to minimize traffic impacts as land is further developed (p.10):
a. Design and construct a transportation system that maximizes roadway capacity
The analysis completed as part of the City’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) in 2017 also identified a concentration of single family homeowner units and few multi-family rental units in the southern portion of the City. Similar to the Southwest Community Area Plan, the AI recommends development of a variety of housing types to meet the various needs of residents. The petitioner’s proposal is generally consistent with the goals of the Southwest Community Area Plan and the AI by providing a mix of housing types, providing open space and natural areas, and facilitating road and bike path connections.
The petitioner, DR Horton, requests annexation of the subject property into the City of Naperville, rezoning of the property to R3A (Medium Density Multiple-family Residence District) upon annexation, subdivision, a conditional use for a preliminary PUD, and two deviations, as further described below, in order to develop the subject property with 637 single family detached homes, single family attached homes (townhomes), and apartments, including two dedicated parks (totaling 3.5 acres), common open space, two clubhouses, a dog park, and related amenities. The subject property is located in unincorporated Will County and is contiguous to property within the City of Naperville. Annexation of the subject property and approval of the petitioner’s other requests are contingent upon approval of a Boundary Agreement between the City of Naperville and the Village of Plainfield. The Boundary Agreement is scheduled for consideration by City Council on November 7, 2018.
The petitioner requests rezoning upon annexation to R3A (Medium Density Multiple-family Residence District) to facilitate the proposed mix of housing types from single family detached to apartment homes. The proposed development provides a transition from less intense residential and forest preserve uses to the north and east, to the more intense arterial road (119th Street) to the south, and commercial and industrial districts located further to the south and west (near Route 59 and 119th Street), by situating the single family detached and single family attached homes in the north and east portions of the site, and the apartment homes in the southwest corner of the site. The proposed mix of single family detached, single family attached and apartment homes is consistent with the intent of the R3A district to accommodate a variety of housing types. The proposed neighborhood and zoning is also consistent with the goals and recommendations of the Southwest Community Area Plan and the AI by providing a variety of housing types, open space and recreational areas, and transportation connections. The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Rezoning are included in the Development Petition. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by City Council.
Preliminary Plat of Subdivision
The petitioner requests approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision for Polo Club. The proposed subdivision contains 126 lots for single family detached homes, 54 lots for single family attached homes, one lot for the apartment homes, and 16 outlots for landscaping, common open space and two public parks. Staff finds that the proposed preliminary plat of subdivision for Polo Club meets all technical requirements for approval.
Preliminary Planned Unit Development
The subject property consists of approximately 110 acres that is predominately used as sporting fields with several associated structures and gravel parking areas. The petitioner seeks approval of the proposed Polo Club Preliminary PUD in order to develop the property with three different housing types including 126 single family detached homes, 221 single family attached homes, and 290 apartment homes for a total of 637 dwelling units. The overall density of the Polo Club development is approximately 6 units per acre, which is less than the maximum of 8 units per acre permitted in the R3A district.
The single family detached homes are generally located in the northeast portion of the property with lots ranging in size from roughly 6,360 square feet to 15,049 square feet, in compliance with the R3A minimum required area (6,000 square feet) and width (50’).
Two different single family attached (townhome) types are proposed. The Freedom (Triplex Villas) Series proposed generally in the southeast portion of the property are single story, 3-unit buildings with front loaded 2-car garages. A total of 90 units in 30 buildings are proposed for the Freedom Series. The Seaboard Series proposed generally on the west portion of the property are three story, 5 to 6-unit buildings with rear loaded 2-car garages. A total of 131 units in 24 buildings are proposed for the Seaboard Series. Both of the proposed townhome types include a minimum of 50% masonry (brick and/or stone) exterior building materials as required by Municipal Code Section 5-2C-3 (Exterior Wall Construction).
An anti-monotony provision will be included in the development approval that prohibits the single family detached and single family attached buildings directly next door or directly across the street from having the same front elevation and/or color package as one another.
The proposed apartments are generally located in the southwest corner of the property and consist of 290 apartment homes located in 14, three story buildings. Each apartment building includes four to twelve attached 1-car garages for tenants. The apartment buildings also comply with the minimum 50% masonry exterior building material requirement.
The proposed Polo Club development provides approximately 37 acres of common open space, or roughly 35% of the subject property in compliance with the 35% minimum area required by City Code. The open space includes landscaped buffer areas, naturalized detention ponds with sitting areas, two neighborhood clubhouses with associated pools and amenities, and a dog park. The apartment clubhouse is approximately 6,700 square feet and has a pool for the apartment community residents and their guests. The proposed dog park is also provided for the apartment community residents. The neighborhood clubhouse is approximately 6,400 square feet and also has a pool, as well as game courts, for Polo Club residents and their guests. A shared-use path will be constructed along the north side of 119th Street from the west property line of the subject property to the old Book Road where the old Book Road pavement will be converted to a shared use path, connecting the path along 119th Street to the existing bike path that runs along the west side of the DuPage River up to and beyond the intersection of Book Road and 111th Street.
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a PUD are included in the Development Petition. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by City Council.
Building Height Deviation
The petitioner is requesting a deviation to exceed the maximum building height of 35’ in the R3A district pursuant to Section 6-6D-8 (R3A: Height Limitations/Bulk Regulations) <> for the proposed apartment buildings. The apartment buildings have a mean roof height of 38’-9”, exceeding the maximum building height by 3’-9”. The petitioner states the increased building height allows for a more architecturally attractive exterior building design, a more aesthetically appealing roof pitch, and improved proportionality between the building facades and roof.
The impact of the increased building height is minimized given the apartment component is located at the southwest corner of the property adjacent to 119th Street and a commercial property. The building heights within the Polo Club development generally shift from one story in the north and east portions of the property, to two story in the northwest portion of the property to two and three stories in the southwest corner of the property. The proposed apartment buildings step from two to three stories further minimizing the increased building height. This variation in building height from generally lower in the north and east to higher in the southwest minimizes potential impacts on adjacent properties by maintaining a lower height where adjacent to open space and other homes, and increasing in height as it is adjacent to an arterial road (119th Street) and commercial uses. The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a PUD Deviation are included in the Development Petition. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by City Council.
Monument Sign Deviation
Per Municipal Code Section 6-16-4:2.1.1 <>, a total of four monument signs are permitted (maximum two per entrance) per subdivision. The petitioner proposes to install six monument signs, two at each of the three primary entrances into the Polo Club development. Two monument signs are proposed at the Book Road/Hawkweed Drive entrance; two are proposed at the 119th Street/Polo Club Drive entrance; and two are proposed at the apartment entrance located off 119th Street.
It is common for the monument signs to be located at the primary entrances into subdivisions as a means to identify each subdivision. The apartment homes are not served by the Book Road/Hawkweed Drive or the 119th Street/Polo Club Drive entrances, and only have an entrance from 119th Street. The additional monument signs being requested will help to distinguish the entrance into the apartment complex from the entrances into the single family detached and attached neighborhood. The monument signs will be enhanced with landscaping and will comply with the Sign Code in all other respects (i.e. setback, size, height, etc.). The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a PUD Deviation are included in the Development Petition. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by City Council.
Landscape Plan
In addition to the required parkway trees along all public rights-of-way, the landscape plan includes a variety of landscaping to buffer, provide shade, and enhance the proposed development. Landscape buffers ranging from 25’ to 35’ wide are located along 119th Street and Book Road providing screening from those roadways. Both the Polo Club Drive and Hawkweed Drive entrances are designed as boulevards with landscaping proposed in the median and along the side of each roadway. A 30’ landscape buffer is provided along the north property line north of the age-targeted single family detached homes (east of Hawkweed Drive). Landscaping along the north property line consists of a mix of evergreen, shade and ornamental trees.
Four overlooks are proposed including benches and decorative pavers. These overlooks are located near the intersection of Tailshot Circle and Hawkweed Drive, at Hawkweed Drive and Polo Club Drive, and around the naturalized stormwater feature located east of Book Road. These overlooks are connected throughout the development by paths and sidewalks and provide walkers and bicyclists places to rest and enjoy the natural features of the neighborhood.
Traffic Study
DR Horton hired traffic engineering consulting firm Gewalt Hamilton Associates to conduct a traffic impact analysis. Key aspects of the traffic impact analysis are provided below.
Existing Roadway Network
The Polo Club development would be served by the following roadways with the associated classifications as defined in the City’s Master Thoroughfare Plan (See Site Plan, Exhibit 4 of the GHA Traffic Impact Study). North: Hawkweed Drive (Neighborhood Connector); east: new Book Road (Minor Arterial), to be constructed as part of this development; west: No connection from the west; and south: 119th Street (Minor Arterial). The South Pointe subdivision located to the north of this development will be connected via Hawkweed Drive. The new Book Road will be constructed from 111th to 119th Street, connecting High Meadow and South Pointe subdivisions to 111th and 119th Street.
Access from the Polo Club subdivision to the existing roadway network is proposed at six locations:
§ A connection to Hawkweed Drive to the north
§ An extension of Hawkweed Drive to new Book Road
§ A connection to 119th Street at new Book Road
§ A connection to 119th Street serving the single family and townhome portions of the development (Polo Club Drive)
§ A connection to 119th Street at Wolf Drive serving the apartment parcel
§ A right-in, right-out connection to 119th Street serving the apartment parcel near the western boundary of the development
The new connections to Book Road and 119th Street will be stop sign controlled.
Trip Generation
Appropriate trip generation rates were used to evaluate 95 single family detached dwellings, 315 single family attached dwellings, and 309 apartments (the number of single family detached dwellings, single family attached dwellings, and apartments proposed in the project has subsequently been revised to 126, 221 and 290 respectively). The total number of estimated daily trips (in and out) generated by the Polo Club Development is 5,300 (subsequently revised to 4,140). This estimate is based upon the Institute of Transportation Engineers manual, Trip Generation 10th Edition. Despite having an age targeted component to this development, all trip generation results are for standard dwelling units, resulting in a higher value than if elderly dwelling unit values were used. Proposed traffic volumes are forecasted to 2025, 5 years past expected completion. These values include a 10% growth factor over current traffic patterns (as obtained from CMAP) and the site generated volumes.
Trip Distribution
Trips for the proposed development were distributed based upon anticipated traffic patterns accounting for local attraction to existing transportation corridors. 10% of traffic is expected to travel north from the site, 40% is expected to travel east towards Plainfield-Naperville Road, and 50% is expected to travel west towards Route 59.
Intersection Level of Service
As part of the study, the traffic consultant evaluated the morning and evening peak hour level of service at the following stop controlled intersections: 119th Street and new Book Road; 119th Street and Polo Club Drive; 119th Street and Wolf Drive/Apartment Access. These intersections were evaluated using proposed condition calculated 2025 traffic volumes and distributions. The study found that all intersections or intersection approaches met or exceeded Level of Service (LOS) D during the morning and evening peak hours. LOS D is considered an acceptable peak hour level of service.
Book Road Improvements
Book Road currently exists in this area as a local road both north and south of 119th Street. The roadway south of 119th Street is not included within the limits of the project. A new Book Road will be built to the west of the existing Book Road. The new roadway will be constructed as a three-lane section with streetlights, and storm sewer improvements. A sidewalk will be built along the west side of the roadway connecting 119th to the existing sidewalk adjacent to the South Point subdivision. Book Road connections will be made at 119th Street, Hawkweed Drive extension, Spartina Road, Wild Timothy Road, and 111th Street. Turn lanes will be striped at all intersections. The new Book Road will be constructed within 100’ ROW to be dedicated by the subject property and within the existing 100’ ROW as dedicated by South Pointe and High Meadow subdivisions.
119th Street Improvements
The developer will expand 119th Street to include three lanes through the boundary limits of this development. Turn lanes will be added at the Apartment Access/Wolf Drive, Polo Club Drive, and new Book Road. The new roadway will be constructed with curb and gutter, streetlights, storm sewer, and a multi-use path along the northern edge. These improvements will improve traffic flow and minimize the impact of the development on existing traffic conditions.
Stormwater Management
The proposed development is within Will County and is designed to meet the requirements of the Will County Stormwater Ordinance. As floodway and floodplain are within the project limits, both City and County staff will be reviewing the stormwater submittal for this site.
The preliminary stormwater management analysis as prepared by CEMCON shows the site will utilize four detention ponds to cumulatively provide 56.0 acre-feet of storage. This surpasses the required volume of 41.5 acre-feet of storage. Runoff from site will be attenuated in the stormwater management facility located east of new Book Road. Discharge from this pond will be less than the permitted rate for both the two year and 100 year events per the Stormwater Ordinance.
There is floodplain fill included in this development in order to create the stormwater management facility east of new Book Road. The total floodplain fill is 3.1 acre-feet. The total provided compensatory storage is 5.3 acre-feet, exceeding the requirement of 1:1 fill to compensatory storage.
All components of the preliminary stormwater management analysis meet or exceed the requirements of the Will County Stormwater Ordinance. This will result in predictable stormwater management and discharge behavior while allowing for upland offsite flows to benefit from the excess capacity provided on site. The existing discharge from this site is calculated at 106.2 cubic-feet per second for the 100 year, 24 hour storm. This same storm produces just 41.1 cubic-feet per second discharge following the proposed improvements to the site. Installation of these stormwater management facilities will also benefit downstream properties during major rainfall events.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) was opened on June 20, 2018, at which 26 members of the public spoke. Following the public testimony, the Commission voted to continue the public hearing to the July 18, 2018 meeting to allow the petitioner time to meet with the neighboring residents (motion approved, 7-0). The public hearing resumed at the July 18, 2018 PZC meeting, at which time the petitioner presented revised plans. Twenty-eight members of the public spoke generally expressing concerns regarding the zoning, density, traffic, and impacts on the adjacent neighborhoods and forest preserve.
The Planning and Zoning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 3-3 to recommend approval of the rezoning, resulting no recommendation, and voted to recommend approval of the Preliminary PUD and deviations (Approved, 5-1). Commissioners Fessler, Losurdo and Morin found the proposal appropriate for the subject property. Chairwoman Martinez and Commissioner Hanson supported the PUD and deviations, but found the rezoning to R3A was not compatible with the surrounding area. Commissioner Margulies found the proposal to be too dense and did not support the petitioner’s requests. Staff concurs with the recommendation to approve the Preliminary PUD and deviations, and recommends approval of the rezoning.
Following review by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the petitioner modified the project to address concerns raised during the public hearing process. Revisions to the project include:
§ Reduced the number of homes from 702 to 637; consisting of 126 single family detached (previously 93), 221 single family attached (previously 319), and 290 apartments;
§ Added two dedicated public parks totaling 3.5 acres (2 acres and 1.5 acres); and
§ Added a 1.25 HOA park with shared-use path in the southeast corner of the property.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner requests annexation, rezoning to R3A upon annexation, subdivision, a conditional use for a Preliminary PUD, and deviations to increase the building height of the apartment buildings, and install six monument signs in order to develop a mix of 126 single family detached, 221 single family attached, and 290 apartment homes on the subject property.
§ Staff is supportive of the proposed use and layout of the subject property. The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding area and includes amenities which enhance the development.
Related Items
The following agenda items are related to PZC 18-1-022:
§ Conduct the public hearing to consider the Annexation Agreement for Polo Club, PZC 18-1-022 (Item 2 of 7);
§ Pass the ordinance authorizing the execution of an Annexation Agreement for Polo Club (PZC 18-1-022) located at 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street (Item 3 of 7);
§ Pass the ordinance annexing the property located at 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street (Polo Club, PZC 18-1-022) (Item 4 of 7);
§ Pass the ordinance rezoning the subject property at 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street to R3A (Polo Club, PZC 18-1-022) (Item 5 of 7);
§ Pass the ordinance approving the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for Polo Club, PZC 18-1-022 (Item 6 of 7); and
§ Pass the ordinance approving a conditional use to establish the Preliminary Polo Club PUD, and approve deviations to increase the height of the apartment buildings, and install six monument signs, for the property located at 23450 and 23700 W 119th Street (PZC 18-1-022) (Item 7 of 7).
Cost of services provided to residences outside the City's current planning boundaries, set-off by revenues from real estate taxes and roadway and utility improvements being provided through the development.