Approve the award of Change Order #1 of Option Year 2 to Contract 18-017, Excavation and Underground Utility Repair, to Baish Excavating, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $40,000 and for a total award amount of $160,000
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The contractor provides the Water Utilities with supplemental crews to assist during emergencies when work exceeds the capacity of the crew or when work requires specialized equipment or expertise beyond the capabilities of staff. Work under the contract may include installation, replacement and relocation of water and sewer main segments, sanitary sewer manholes, valves, vaults and service laterals.
In February 2018, the City Council approved the award of Bid 18-017 to Baish Excavating (Baish) for an 18-month term, with two, one-year options to extend. The first option year was approved in August 2019 and the second option year was approved in June 2020.
The Water Utility is planning to abandon an aging six-inch water main in the pavement of Chicago Avenue. This abandonment work consists of moving fire hydrants, water service laterals and installing valves connected to a newer 12” water main. Also, the 6” water main will be filled with flowable-fill to meet DuPage County requirements.
This work was originally included in a water main lining bid planned for later this summer. However, on May 7, 2021, staff was notified that DuPage County will be resurfacing this portion of Chicago Avenue after Memorial Day.
Now that it is necessary to accelerate this abandonment project so it could be completed prior to the resurfacing of Chicago Ave, the work will be given to our current underground excavating contractor and will no longer be part of a future bid.
Baish Excavating estimates the cost of this work will be $40,000 based on existing unit pricing. The work will be completed before DuPage County completes the Chicago Avenue paving project.
CIP: WU004
Water main repairs and replacements are expensed to the operational services and infrastructure accounts listed below. The capital replacement portion of this project will be expensed to the infrastructure account, as part of the annual capital improvement program. A total of $3,850,000 is budgeted for WU004 in 2021. An additional $268,000 is budgeted for various operational expenses, such as asphalt restoration and general contract services related to water distribution. The requested award is within budget.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
41251540-531308 |
Water and Wastewater |
$268,000 |
41251500-551502 |
Water and Wastewater |
$26,743,950 |