Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/18/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 20181218_CCQA.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-1054 11.Cash DisbursementsApprove 11/02/2018 thru 11/29/2018 Cash Disbursement for $46,398,113.51approvedPass Action details Not available
18-1078 12.MinutesApprove the regular City Council meeting minutes of December 4, 2018approvedPass Action details Not available
18-1079 13.MinutesApprove the minutes from the November 13, 2018 Budget WorkshopapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-737 14.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Sole Source Procurement 18-221, Government Accounting and Payroll Services, to Lauterbach & Amen, LLP for an amount not to exceed $150,000 and for a one-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-1016 15.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 18-254, SEL Relay, to Universal Utility Supply for an amount not to exceed $178,434approvedPass Action details Not available
18-1057 16.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 18-229, Cisco SmartNet, to Continental Resources for an amount not to exceed $111,996.75approvedPass Action details Not available
18-1077 17.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 18-253, 2019 Transmission Tower Painting, to Morris Painting for an amount not to exceed $407,000, plus 5% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-1067 18.AppointmentApprove the appointments of Kirsten Young, Mary Laidman, Edward Harvey, Mark Rice and Nancy Hayes to various City boards and commissionsapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-1100 19.Meeting ScheduleApprove the City Council meeting schedule for January, February & March 2019approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-1025B 110.OrdinancePass the ordinance amending Section 3-3-11:1 of the Naperville Municipal Code setting the limit of available Class M - Recreational liquor licenses at 14 and Late Night Permits for non-Downtown locations at 43.passedPass Action details Not available
18-1041B 111.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a variance to allow an 8-foot fence along the subject property’s rear property line, adjacent to Royce Road (937 Lehigh Circle) - PZC 18-1-107passedPass Action details Not available
18-1048B 112.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a conditional use for an amusement establishment and a variance to reduce the required amount of off-street parking for the subject property located at 1931 - 1955 Glacier Park Avenue (Urban Air Adventure Park) - PZC 18-1-125passedPass Action details Not available
18-1074 113.OrdinanceDeny the request for a deviation to the 30’ platted building line for the property located at 716 Wehrli Drive - PZC 18-1-134passedPass Action details Not available
18-1010B 114.OrdinancePass the ordinance amending Article E (Annexation Fees), F (Development, Zoning and Subdivision Fees) and H (Fees for Construction and New Development) of Chapter 9 (Municipal Finances), and Chapter 9 (Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control) and Chapter 10 (Landscaping, Screening and Tree Preservation) of Title 5 (Building Codes), of the Naperville Municipal CodepassedPass Action details Not available
18-1007B 115.OrdinancePass the ordinance amending Section 2-20-2 (Downtown Advisory Commission: Membership) to add a seat to the commission for the Downtown Naperville Alliance.passedPass Action details Not available
18-1080 116.ResolutionAdopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the 2019 Pace Paratransit Local Share Agreement for the operation of the Ride DuPage ProgramadoptedPass Action details Not available
18-1094 117.ResolutionAdopt the resolution approving the settlement contract between Tracy Heusinkveld and the City of NapervilleadoptedPass Action details Not available
18-1099 118.ResolutionAdopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Right-of-Way License Agreement with CenturyLink for placement of fiber and conduit in the City’s Right-of-Way.adoptedPass Action details Not available
18-1049B 11.ReportReceive the staff report for the property located at 920-930 E. Chicago Avenue (Chicago Commons) - PZC 18-1-094 (Item 1 of 4)receivedPass Action details Video Video
18-1102 12.OrdinancePass an ordinance approving a preliminary subdivision plat for Chicago Commons - PZC 18-1-094 (Item 2 of 4)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1050B 13.OrdinancePass an ordinance granting a conditional use in the R2 District to permit single-family attached dwellings for the property located at 920-930 E. Chicago Avenue (Chicago Commons) - PZC 18-1-094 (Item 3 of 4);passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1052B 14.OrdinancePass an ordinance granting a variance to increase the maximum building height and number of stories for the property located at 920-930 E. Chicago Avenue (Chicago Commons) - PZC 18-1-094 (Item 4 of 4)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1075 15.Public HearingConduct a Truth-in-Taxation hearing for Special Service Area No. 21 (New Parking Garage) property tax levy (Item 1 of 2)closedPass Action details Video Video
18-1095 16.OrdinancePass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 adopting a total tax levy of $200,000 for Special Service Area No. 21 (New Parking Garage) (Item 2 of 2)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1061 17.Public HearingConduct a Truth-in-Taxation hearing for the Special Service Area No. 23 (Naper Main) property tax levy (Item 1 of 2).closedPass Action details Video Video
18-1062 18.OrdinancePass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 adopting a total levy of $98,939 for Special Service Area No. 23 (Naper Main) (Item 2 of 2)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1063 19.Public HearingConduct a Truth-in-Taxation hearing for the Special Service Area No. 25 (IL Route 59 and Lacrosse Lane) property tax levy (item 1 of 2)closedPass Action details Video Video
18-1064 110.OrdinancePass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 adopting a total levy of $68,000 for Special Service Area No. 25 (IL Route 59 and Lacrosse Lane) (Item 2 of 2)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1073 111.Public HearingConduct a Truth-in-Taxation hearing for the Special Service Area No. 26 (Downtown Maintenance Expenses and Marketing Costs) property tax levy (Item 1 of 2)closedPass Action details Video Video
18-1092 112.OrdinancePass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 adopting a total tax levy of $987,537 for Special Service Area No. 26 (Downtown Maintenance Expenses and Marketing Costs) (Item 2 of 2)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1070 113.Public HearingConduct a Truth-in-Taxation hearing for the City’s property tax levy. (Item 1 of 3)closedPass Action details Video Video
18-1071 114.OrdinancePass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019, adopting a total tax levy of $57,738,504.83 (Item 2 of 3)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1072 115.OrdinancePass the Ordinance to abate a portion of the 2018 Tax Levy for the City of Naperville authorizing an abatement of $8,657,022.65 from the total tax levy of $57,738,504.83 for a net total of 2018 tax levy of $49,081,482.18 (Item 3 of 3)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1068 11.OrdinancePass the ordinance proposing and setting a public hearing for the establishment of Special Service Area No. 30 for streetscape improvements on portions of blocks 429 and 430 of the downtown area in the City of NapervillepassedPass Action details Video Video
18-1107 12.ReportReceive the report regarding a Special Service Area and Cost Sharing Agreement for the R. R. Breitwieser Corner Subdivision located at 41 W. Jefferson Avenue.receivedPass Action details Video Video
18-1108 13.OrdinancePass the ordinance proposing and setting a public hearing for the establishment of Special Service Area No. 31 for streetscape improvements near the southwest portion of Block 423 in the downtown area of the City of Naperville.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1109 14.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving the Cost Sharing Agreement between the City of Naperville and Jefferson & Main LLC for the R. R. Breitwieser Corner Subdivision located at 41 W. Jefferson Avenue.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1045B 15.ReportReceive the staff report for Tartan Point Subdivision (PZC 18-1-111) located at 1519 N. Naper Boulevard (Item 1 of 3).receivedPass Action details Video Video
18-1046B 16.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for Tartan Point Subdivision - PZC 18-1-111 (Item 2 of 3)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1047B 17.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a conditional use in the B3 District to permit an automobile service station for the property located at 1519 N. Naper Boulevard; and, variances to allow a parking ratio of 13 spaces per 1,000 square feet for Culver’s, eliminate the bypass lane for the Circle K carwash, reduce the front yard parking setback along a major arterial; permit off-premises monument signage on Lot 3, and permit monument signage within 40’ of an interior setback line on Lots 1 and 2 for Tartan Point Subdivision - PZC 18-1-111 (Item 3 of 3)passedPass Action details Video Video
18-1028 11.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Option Year One to Contract 16-178, Sanitary Sewer Service Lateral Rehabilitation and Vac-A-Tee Installation, to Performance Pipelining, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $1,600,000 plus a 3% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Video Video
18-1031 12.Procurement AwardApprove the Award of Bid 18-258, Electric Utility Distribution, to Meade Electric Company, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $11,265,395.33, plus a 3% contingency and for a two-year termapprovedPass Action details Video Video
18-1081 11.ReportApprove the 2019 Special Events calendar and designate the calendar as closedapprovedPass Action details Video Video
18-1086 12.ReportReceive an update from the DuPage Children’s Museum 5th Avenue Working Group.receivedPass Action details Video Video