Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/21/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final-revised  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 2021 Sept. 21 Council Q&A-compiled.pdf, September 21 Comments and Position Statements
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-1159 11.PresentationPresentation of Fire Chief’s Awards   Action details Video Video
21-1206 12.ProclamationRecognize Beyond Charity for accomplishments in suicide prevention   Action details Video Video
21-1138 11.Cash DisbursementsApprove the Cash Disbursements for the period of 08/01/2021 through 08/31/2021 for a total of $33,462,462.28approvedPass Action details Not available
21-1195 12.MinutesApprove the regular City Council meeting minutes of September 7, 2021approvedPass Action details Not available
21-1172 13.MinutesApprove the Sustainability Workshop minutes from August 31, 2021approvedPass Action details Not available
21-1228 14.Meeting ScheduleApprove the City Council meeting schedule for September, October, and November 2021approvedPass Action details Not available
21-0672 15.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 21-212 for Uniforms, Equipment and Accessories, to Galls LLC for an amount not to exceed $153,460 and for a one-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-1099 16.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 21-309, Hewlett Packard Enterprises Support Services Renewal, to Hewlett Packard Enterprises for an amount not to exceed $112,459.60 and for a one-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-0888 17.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 21-274, Curbside Leaf Collection Services, to Western Gradall Corporation and Steve Piper and Sons, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $333,300 and for a two-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-1181 18.Procurement AwardApprove the award of RFP 21-174, Employee Benefits Broker, to GCG Financial, for an amount not to exceed $252,000 and for a three-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-1082 19.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Change Order #1 of Option Year One to Contract 18-204, Large Diameter Water Meters, to Core & Main LP for an amount not to exceed $100,000 and for a total award of $454,250approvedPass Action details Not available
21-1190 110.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Option Year One to Contract 19-262, Specialty Winter Operations Services, to Beverly Snow and Ice Inc. for an amount not to exceed $364,130approvedPass Action details Not available
21-1113 111.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Sole Source Procurement 21-317, Transformer Fault Indicator Project, to A Star Electric for an amount not to exceed $316,000approvedPass Action details Not available
21-0853B 112.OrdinanceWaive the first reading and pass the ordinance amending Title 11 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 2 (Parking), Article A (Parking Rules), Section 23 (Electric Vehicle Charging Stations) of the Naperville Municipal Code to remove the usage fee of the electric vehicle charging stations (requires six positive votes)passedPass Action details Not available
21-1110B 113.OrdinancePass the ordinance granting a variance to Title 6 (Zoning Regulations), Chapter 6 (Residential Districts), Article B (Medium Density Single-Family Residence District), Section 7 (Yard Requirements) of the Municipal Code to permit a sunroom that encroaches into the rear yard setback at 1905 Woodfield Court - PZC 21-1-090passedPass Action details Not available
21-1078B 114.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a sign variance from Title 6 (Zoning Regulations), Chapter 16 (Signs) Section 6:1 (Special Areas of Control: Educational Campus) to permit four wall signs on the building located at 160 E Chicago Avenue (NCC) - PZC 21-1-093passedPass Action details Not available
21-1127B 115.OrdinancePass the ordinance amending Title 11 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 2 (Parking), Article B (Municipal Parking Lots and Parking Regulations) of the Naperville Municipal Code to modify regulations for the City’s commuter parking lotspassedPass Action details Not available
21-1213 116.OrdinancePass the ordinance amending Title 2 (Boards and Commissions), Chapter 4 (Building Review Board), Section 2 (Membership) of the Naperville Municipal Code regarding Building Review Board vacanciestabledPass Action details Video Video
20-1508B 117.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving the final plat of subdivision for the 4th Avenue Townhomes, located at the southwest corner of 4th Avenue and Loomis Street - PZC 21-1-076passedPass Action details Not available
21-1192 118.OrdinancePass the ordinance granting a minor change to the Naperville Crossings PUD and approving a Final PUD Plat for Schlotzsky’s - 21-1-089passedPass Action details Not available
21-1209 119.OrdinancePass the ordinance establishing temporary traffic controls and issue a Special Event Permit, including an Amplifier Permit, for the Naperville Half Marathon and 5K scheduled for Sunday, October 17, 2021passedPass Action details Not available
21-1191 120.PermitApprove the fireworks display application and issue a permit for the September 25, 2021 Naperville Country Club 100th anniversary eventapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-1210 11.ResolutionAdopt the resolution establishing a process for conveyance of City property to facilitate development of affordable housing for seniors and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and approve the release of RFP 21-315adoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1212 12.ResolutionAdopt the resolution re-affirming the City of Naperville’s commitment to fund up to $1,200,000 to the Naperville Heritage Society for the Innovation Gateway capital improvement at Naper SettlementadoptedPass Action details Video Video
21-1121B 11.Petitioner RequestOption A: Concur with the Petitioner and overturn the decision of the Zoning Administrator and Planning and Zoning Commission to permit the façade of the property located at 8 West Jefferson Avenue (Kerwell) to be painted a neutral color; or Option B: Concur with the Zoning Administrator and the Planning and Zoning Commission and require the existing paint to be removed from the façade of the property located at 8 West Jefferson Avenue (Kerwell)approvedPass Action details Video Video
21-1211 11.ReportReceive the September 2021 Financial Report and reaffirm the current revenue diversification model and financial principles in advance of the 2022 budget workshopsreceived  Action details Video Video