Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 2025 March 18 Council QA, March 18 2025 - 4 PM WRITTEN COMMENT & POSITION STATEMENT.pdf, March 18 2025 - 630 PM Speaker Sign-up
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0280 11.ProclamationProclamation honoring Nina Menis, KidsMatter CEO & Executive Director   Not available Video Video
25-0339 11.Cash DisbursementsApprove the Cash Disbursements for the period of February 1, 2025, through February 28, 2025, for a total of $34,057,188.64   Not available Not available
25-0360 12.MinutesApprove the regular City Council meeting minutes of March 4, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0361 13.Meeting ScheduleApprove the City Council meeting schedule for April, May, and June 2025   Not available Not available
25-0353 14.ReportReceive the year-to-date budget report through February 28, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0354 15.Public ImprovementsAccept the public underground improvements at 536 Plainfield Naperville Rd & Charleston Row III and authorize the City Clerk to reduce the corresponding public improvement surety   Not available Not available
25-0303 16.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 25-001, 2025 Small Diameter Sanitary Main Line Rehabilitation - Country Lakes Phase 1, to Visu-Sewer Clean & Seal, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $919,736.50 plus a 3% contingency   Not available Not available
25-0292 17.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 25-010, Water Tank Exterior Cleaning, to B&N Capital Suppliers for the amount not to exceed $168,458.47 and for a five-year term   Not available Not available
25-0250 28.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 25-020, 2025 Pavement Markings, to Maintenance Coatings Co. for an amount not to exceed $146,488.90 plus a 5% contingency   Not available Not available
25-0251 19.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Sole Source Procurement 25-092, Cityworks Premium Enterprise License Renewal, to Azteca Systems, LLC for an amount not to exceed $114,594.48 and for a one-year term   Not available Not available
25-0278 110.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 25-094, Elevator Modernization and Repairs, to Otis Elevator Company for an amount not to exceed $196,231.32   Not available Not available
25-0253 111.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 25-095, High Reach Bucket Truck Replacement - Unit 008, to Altec Industries, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $300,919   Not available Not available
25-0312 112.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 25-107, Public Works 1-Ton Dump Truck Vehicle Replacements, to Sutton Ford for an amount not to exceed $699,067   Not available Not available
25-0314 113.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Work Order 22-067-WATER-25-04, Design Engineering Services - Saybrook Phase III Water Main Improvements, to Fehr Graham for an amount not to exceed $132,000 and for a 13-month term   Not available Not available
25-0188 114.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Option Year #3 to Contract 21-093, Custodial Services - Central Business District, to Total Facility Maintenance for an amount not to exceed $225,000   Not available Not available
25-0255 115.Extension of AgreementApprove the award of Option Year #4 to Contract 20-036, Street Sweeping Services, to Lakeshore Recycling Systems LLC for an amount not to exceed $223,000   Not available Not available
25-0281 116.Procurement Change OrderApprove the award of Change Order #1 to Cooperative Procurement 24-058, Consultant Relay Testing and Repair Parts, to Wesco for an additional 12 months   Not available Not available
25-0235 117.Procurement Change OrderApprove the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 24-019, 2024 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT South, to K-Five Construction Corporation for an amount not to exceed $221,334.57 and an additional one calendar day (Item 1 of 3)   Not available Not available
25-0321 118.ResolutionAdopt the IDOT supplemental resolution in the amount of $221,334.57 to allow for expenditure of State Motor Fuel Tax dollars to fund the 2024 Roadway Resurfacing - Motor Fuel Tax South (Item 2 of 3)   Not available Not available
25-0322 119.ResolutionAdopt the IDOT supplemental resolution in the amount of $218,893.37 to allow for expenditure of State Motor Fuel Tax dollars to fund the 2024 Roadway Resurfacing - Motor Fuel Tax North (Item 3 of 3)   Not available Not available
25-0295 120.ResolutionAdopt the resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Forest Preserve District of Will County, Naperville Park District, Bolingbrook Park District, and the City of Naperville for the design, construction and operation of the DuPage River Trail-Weber Road Improvements   Not available Not available
25-0317B 121.Procurement AwardWaive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 25-080, Concrete for In-house Restoration Program, to Prairie Materials, Ozinga, Vulcan Materials Company, and Kendall County Concrete, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $75,000 and for a one-year term (requires six positive votes)   Not available Not available
25-0085 122.Procurement AwardWaive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 25-109, Advanced Traffic Management System Phase II Design, to Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for an amount not to exceed $216,302 (requires six positive votes)   Not available Not available
25-0327 123.Procurement AwardWaive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 25-110, Environmental Testing for the South 40 Site, to Gold Wave, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $25,000, plus a 5% contingency, and for a 12-month term (requires 6 positive votes)   Not available Not available
25-0027 124.OrdinancePass the ordinance to establish temporary traffic controls and issue Special Event and Amplifier permits for the 2025 Soap Box Derby races scheduled for May 17-18, June 7 (rain date of June 8), September 6-7 and October 4-5   Not available Not available
25-0034C 125.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving variances for a new day care center building for the property located at 471 E 75th Street (Primrose School) - PZC 24-1-099   Not available Not available
25-0286B 126.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a variance from Section 6-6A-7:1 to allow an addition to the principal structure to encroach into the required corner side yard setback for the property located at 1041 N West Street - DEV-0014-2025   Not available Not available