Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: On Zoom - Open agenda to see cable, phone & streaming options
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 2020 Sept 1 Council QA - COMPILED.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-981 11.PresentationPresentation of the 2020 Naperville Seniors of the Year awards   Action details Video Video
20-990 11.MinutesApprove the regular City Council meeting minutes of August 18, 2020approvedPass Action details Not available
20-997 12.Meeting ScheduleApprove the City Council meeting schedule for September, October & November 2020approvedPass Action details Not available
20-876 13.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of Change Order 1 to Procurement 17-199, Biosolids Removal Services to Stewart Spreading for an amount not to exceed $108,586 and a total award of $314,086approvedPass Action details Not available
20-910 14.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of Sole Source Procurement 20-311, SPX Flow Parts and Service, to Mills-Winfield Engineering for an amount not to exceed $90,000 for a two-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
20-833 15.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of Option Year One to Contract 19-040, Centrifuge Dewatering Polymer, to Polydyne Inc. for an amount not to exceed $175,812 and for a one-year termapprovedPass Action details Not available
20-924 16.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of Bid 20-292, 2020 Lateral Grouting Cress Creek Phase 6, to Michels Corporation for an amount not to exceed $310,360, plus a 5% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Not available
20-887 17.Funding AmountsApprove the Calendar Year 2021 (CY21) allocations for the City Obligations category of the SECA Grant Fund Program in the amount of $1,020,991approvedPass Action details Not available
20-980 18.AppointmentApproval of Mayoral Appointment to the Sister Cities CommissionapprovedPass Action details Not available
20-797B 19.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a major change to the Naperville Crossings PUD allowing for deviations to permit a drive-through on Building 7 Lot 16 - PZC 20-1-044passedPass Action details Not available
20-868B 110.OrdinancePass the ordinance granting a variance to the sign requirements in order to construct a new ground sign for the property located at 1564 West Ogden Avenue - PZC 20-1-054passedPass Action details Video Video
20-914 111.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving the transfer of $15,571,920 of the 2020 Volume Cap to the Town of NormalpassedPass Action details Not available
20-440B 112.OrdinancePass the ordinance to establish temporary street closure for the rescheduled September and October Soap Box Derby races and issue Amplifier and Special Event permits subject to all state and local Executive Orders and CDC guidelinespassedPass Action details Not available
20-894 11.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARReceive the staff report regarding the implementation of the Water Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project (Item 1 of 5)receivedPass Action details Video Video
20-983 12.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of RFP 19-214, Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI), to Core & Main LP for an amount not to exceed $7,155,860 plus a 3% contingency and affirm bonding as the project financing source (Item 2 of 5)approvedPass Action details Not available
20-984 13.ResolutionAdopt the resolution approving a Provider Services Agreement (PSA) between the City of Naperville and Core & Main LP for design and installation of the Water AMI Project and related agreements (Item 3 of 5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
20-985 14.OrdinanceWaive the first reading and pass the ordinance amending Title 8 (Public Utilities - Customer Bill of Rights) of the Naperville Municipal Code (requires 6 positive votes) (Item 4 of 5)waived the first reading and passedPass Action details Not available
20-986 15.BID, RFP, RFQ, COOP, SOLE SOURCE, OPTION YEARApprove the award of Sole Source Procurement 20-322, Water Utilities MDMS Software and Support, to Harris Computer Systems for an amount not to exceed $247,580 and for a one-year term (Item 5 of 5)approvedPass Action details Not available
20-972 11.ReportApprove the hiring of a Diversity and Inclusion Manager positionapproved as amendedPass Action details Video Video