Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/15/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 20190115_CouncilQA.pdf, Item O2 - Alternative Revenue - Restaurant Momemt, Item O2 - Alternative Revenue - Top 25, Item O2 - Alternative Revenue - NACC Letter
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-037 11.Cash DisbursementsApprove 12/06/2018 thru 01/02/2019 cash disbursement for $25,537,834.59approvedPass Action details Not available
19-001 12.MinutesApprove the regular City Council meeting minutes of December 18, 2018approvedPass Action details Not available
18-1096 13.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-017, Municipal Center Roof Replacement Phase Two, to Garland/DBS Inc. for an amount not to exceed $262,626 plus a 5% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-1098 14.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-012, Biosolids Roof Restoration, to Garland DBS for an amount not to exceed $124,847, plus a 5% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Not available
18-1120 15.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-018, Springbrook Administrative Building HVAC Upgrade, to Trane Commercial Systems and Services for an amount not to exceed $382,840, plus a 5% contingencyapprovedPass Action details Not available
19-015 16.Procurement AwardWaive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award Procurement 19-031, Municipal Center Security Services, to Securatex for an amount not to exceed $37,787 and a one-year term (Requires six positive votes)approvedPass Action details Not available
19-035 17.AppointmentApprove the appointments of Suhel Siddiqui, David Wentz and Bill Habel to various boards and commissions.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-017 18.Public ImprovementsAccept the public watermain associated with Center Place Subdivision and authorize the City Clerk to reduce the corresponding public improvement suretyapprovedPass Action details Not available
19-008 19.Meeting ScheduleApprove the City Council meeting schedule for January, February and March 2019approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-1018 110.OrdinancePass the ordinance prohibiting the use of groundwater as a potable water supply by the installation or use of potable water supply wells or by any other method within the specified limits on properties located at 1712 W. Ogden Avenue, 1508 Aurora Avenue and 1532 Aurora Avenue, Naperville, IL. 60540 including points of withdrawal by the City of NapervillepassedPass Action details Not available
18-1114B 111.OrdinancePass the ordinance granting a major change to the Naperville Crossings Planned Unit Development in order to rezone Lots 9 and 21 from B2 PUD (Community Shopping Center District) to R3 PUD (Medium Density Multiple Family Residence District) for the subject property located north of Anna Marie Lane and west of Showplace Drive (PZC 18-1-103)passedPass Action details Video Video
19-023 212.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a variance to Section 402.1.1 of the 2012 International Building Code for 776 S. Route 59, Mall of India.passedPass Action details Not available
19-030 113.OrdinanceWaive the first reading and pass the ordinance amending Chapter 6A (Flood Hazard Areas) of Title 5 (Building Regulations) of the Naperville Municipal Code (Requires six positive votes)passedPass Action details Not available
19-038 114.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a variance to allow the issuance of a Class D - Package Store liquor license for a premise less than 60,000 square feet to Star 7 Corporation at 4067 South Route 59.passedPass Action details Not available
19-040 115.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a minor change to PUD and a Final PUD for Heritage Square to allow for Lazy Dog Restaurant on the subject property located at 436 S. Route 59 - PZC 18-1-096passedPass Action details Not available
19-012 116.ResolutionAdopt the resolution of Official Intent for Reimbursement of Capital ProjectsadoptedPass Action details Not available
19-010B 117.ResolutionAdopt the resolution adopting a Complete Streets Policy in the City of NapervilleadoptedPass Action details Video Video
19-039 118.ResolutionAdopt the resolution approving the settlement agreement pertaining to an alleged trademark infringementtabledPass Action details Video Video
19-042 11.Public HearingConduct the public hearing to consider the Annexation Agreement for KLA Schools located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 1 of 7)tabledPass Action details Video Video
18-1122B 12.ReportReceive the staff report for KLA Schools located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 2 of 7)receivedPass Action details Video Video
18-1123B 13.OrdinancePass the ordinance authorizing execution of the Annexation Agreement for KLA Schools located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 3 of 7)tabledPass Action details Not available
18-1124B 14.OrdinancePass the ordinance annexing the subject property located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road (KLA Schools) - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 4 of 7)passedPass Action details Video Video
19-043 15.OrdinancePass the ordinance rezoning the subject property located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road (KLA Schools) to OCI (Office, Commercial, and Institutional District) - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 5 of 7)passedPass Action details Video Video
19-044 16.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving the preliminary/final subdivision plat and platted setback deviation for the subject property located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road (KLA Schools) - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 6 of 7)passedPass Action details Video Video
19-045 17.OrdinancePass the ordinance approving a variance to Section 6-9-2:4 of the Naperville Municipal Code for the subject property located at 5S241 and 5S255 Tuthill Road (KLA Schools) - PZC 18-1-101 (Item 7 of 7)passedPass Action details Video Video
19-007 11.Procurement AwardApprove the award of Bid 18-285, Water Meter Replacement Program, to HBK Water Meter Service, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $1,029,150, plus a 3% contingency and for a two-year termtabledPass Action details Video Video
18-1053B 11.ReportDeny the request for a major change to a conditional use to grant a variance from Section 6-2-14 in order to construct a canopy for the subject property located at 311 E. Ogden (Bill’s Car Wash) - PZC 18-1-102approvedPass Action details Video Video
19-036 12.ReportReceive the report on alternate revenue options for the 2019 Annual Operating BudgetreceivedPass Action details Video Video