Adopt the resolution approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between County of DuPage, Illinois and the City of Naperville for the use of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant for the 8th, Ellsworth, Main Stormwater Improvements Project
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Ray Fano, Project Engineer
To combat impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on March 11, 2021. State and local municipalities received a total of $350 billion in funds. DuPage County was awarded $179 million and on May 17, 2021, it received half of the award ($89 million).
With the available funds, the DuPage County Stormwater Management Department created a grant inviting local municipalities to submit flood control and water quality projects for ARPA funding. Projects must be shovel-ready and demonstrate flood protection and resilience measures. There is a 50/50 cost-share associated with the grant and the maximum amount that can be awarded per project is $500,000.
The call for projects started in the spring of 2022. DuPage County received 31 applications from 18 municipalities. The total request was $9.67 million for projects totaling $48.5 million. The applications were reviewed and ranked, and special consideration were given to eligibility, timing and resilience measures.
DuPage County recommended award to 26 of the 31 projects. Of the 26, three came from the City of Naperville.
* 8th, Ellsworth, Main Stormwater Improvements (TED)
* Columbia Street Flood Improvement Project (TED)
* South Central Interceptor Sewer Stabilization Project (Water Utility)
Ellsworth Street has a history of flooding during large rain events because all existing storm sewers between 7th Avenue and 5th Avenue are undersized. They range from 8-inch to 12-inch and the material of the pipe varies from clay, ductile iron ...
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