Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 21-136, Multifunction Copier Devices and Service Solutions Phase III, to Canon Solutions America Inc, for an amount not to exceed $206,250 and for a five-year term
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
SUBMITTED BY: Jacqueline Nguyen, Director
Over the past several years, Reprographics staff has consolidated stand-alone printers into a limited number of networked, multi-function machines that serve the printing, scanning, faxing and copying needs of all City departments. Currently the City has a total of 59 machines across all locations. The machine placements are divided into four separate, non-coterminous contract phases which allows for a limited number of machines to be exchanged for a five-year term. The purpose of phasing is to better plan with the departments as well as manage time and staff resources.
Phase I and Phase II of this contract were implemented in the spring and summer of 2021. Phase III is comprised of 12 color machines that serve Police, Fire, Department of Public Works, Community Services, Finance, Naper/Settlement, Water, Electric, and TED.
Two underutilized machines have been eliminated in Phase III. After the reduction of these two machines, the total count of multi-functional machines across all Phases is 57. With the elimination of two machines, the City will save $923.03 per month, or $55,381 over the five-year term.
For the last several months, Reprographics has been working with Canon Solutions America to negotiate modifications to the Cooperative Procurement 21-136. Due to vendor delays in adjusted pricing, the forecast installation date for Phase III has slipped from May 2022 to October 2022. Currently, Canon Solutions America delivery time is 10-12 weeks after order.
Machines placed in Phases I and II have been successfully and sufficiently operating, therefore staff i...
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