File #: 20-192    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/6/2020 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission
On agenda: 2/19/2020 Final action:
Title: Conduct the public hearing regarding the Nokia Campus located at 1960-2000 Lucent Lane Naperville - PZC 20-1-008 (File 1 of 5)
Attachments: 1. Cover letter.pdf, 2. Development Petition.pdf, 3. Disclosure and Legal.pdf, 4. Findings of Fact.pdf, 5. 2011 Plat of Subdivision.pdf, 6. Prelim-Final Subdivision Plat.pdf, 7. ALTA Survey.pdf, 8. Overlay Exhibit.pdf, 9. ROW Exhibit.pdf, 10. Setback-FAR Exhibit.pdf, 11. Location Map.pdf
Related files: 20-194, 20-195, 20-196, 20-193
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Conduct the public hearing regarding the Nokia Campus located at 1960-2000 Lucent Lane Naperville - PZC 20-1-008 (File 1 of 5)

DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development


Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 20-1-008 was published in the Daily Herald on Thursday, January 30, 2020.

The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Naperville and Warrenville Roads and is commonly known as 1960-2000 Lucent Lane. It is 175.2 acres and is zoned ORI (Office, Research and Light Industry District). 1960 Lucent Lane is improved with a 5-story steel and glass office building, two 3-story parking structures, and associated surface parking lots. 2000 Lucent Lane is improved with a 5-story steel and glass office/lab building, a single-story metal building, and associated surface parking lots. The building at 1960 Lucent Lane is currently vacant as Nokia consolidated its workforce into the 2000 Lucent Lane office building.

The petitioner, Nokia of America Corporation, intends to sell the subject property and in order to facilitate the sale, requests to subdivide the property into 3 lots and 1 outlot. Lot 1 is an existing electric utility facility. The proposed Lot 2 will include the improvements on 1960 Lucent Lane, which will be renovated and leased to multiple office tenants. Lot 3 will consist of the 2000 Lucent Lane improvements and will be leased back to Nokia. Lot 4 is intended to be sold for future development.

Case History
A similar case for the Nokia Campus was previously reviewed and approved by the PZC on November 6, 2019. The petition has since been revised to include a request to rezone Lot 4 to R2 (Single-Family and Low Density Multiple Family Residence District), as well as a request for a conditional use in order to establish a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on Lot 4. Accordingly...

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