File #: 17-810    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 10/25/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/7/2017 Final action: 11/7/2017
Title: Approve the Award of Change Order #1 to Contract 16-256, Curbside Leaf Collection Services, to Steve Piper and Sons for an award amount not to exceed $20,000 and for a total award of $118,982.
Attachments: 1. Original Award

Approve the Award of Change Order #1 to Contract 16-256, Curbside Leaf Collection Services, to Steve Piper and Sons for an award amount not to exceed $20,000 and for a total award of $118,982.

DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works

SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director


The Department of Public Works-Operations Division (DPW) provides annual curbside leaf collection services. The existing bulk curbside leaf collection program is structured so that the entire city has three curbside leaf collection opportunities during the season, which equates to one pickup collection citywide every two weeks. The program has historically begun six weeks prior to Thanksgiving Day with the goal completing all three pickups within 30 working days, finishing by the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving Day. Every other Monday, (first, third and fifth weeks) a new collection cycle begins, generally working from north to south. This year's program began on Monday, October 16 and will continue through the week of Thanksgiving.

On August 11, 2016, the City Manager awarded Contract 16-256 to Steve Piper and Sons, Inc. for leaf collection services in District 12 for an amount not to exceed $98,982 for two years. District 12 is an area with mature trees located between 75th Street and Royce Road. During the first year of the contract, a total of $55,991 was spent on leaf collection as Steve Piper was given extra lane miles to collect in order for the City to complete the city-wide collection on schedule.

The original award to Steve Piper included leaf collection services for the second and third collection cycles of leaf collection. For 2017, Steve Piper will also be conducting the first cycle in District 12. Additionally, staff anticipates that there may be a need to also have funds available for Steve Piper to collect extra miles during the third cycle like last year...

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