Deny the petitioner's request for approval of a temporary use for a period of eight months to allow three donation structures to be located at the Riverbrook Shopping Center, 1523 North Aurora Road
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly, Assistant Planner
Not required.
The petitioner, Dennis Ryan, applied for a donation box permit to allow for three donation structures to be located at Riverbrook Shopping Center, 1523 North Aurora Road. Upon review of the permit request, it was determined that the proposed donation bins did not comply with several standards of Municipal Code Section 6-2-22: Donation Boxes, including location of the bins within required parking spaces, location of more than one bin on a subject property, height of the bins in excess of 6.5', and signage on the bins. Therefore, the permit could not be issued administratively. The petitioner also proposed an attended donation hut which per Section 6-2-22:5.1, requires temporary use approval subject to Section 6-2-11: Temporary Buildings Structures and Uses of Land. In addition to this, the petitioner proposed a time frame that exceeds the six month period which can be approved by the Zoning Administrator. Accordingly, staff advised the petitioner that the requested donation boxes would require temporary use approval, subject to City Council review.
The petitioner requests approval of a temporary use to allow a trailer, attended hut, and donation bin to be located at Riverbrook Shopping Center, 1523 North Aurora Road for a period of eight months. The dimensions of the structures are as follows: trailer- 25' long by eight' wide and 12' tall; attended hut - 5' long by 5' wide and 7' tall; donation bin - 4' long by 4' wide and 6' tall. The trailer will serve to store any donations that are in excess of what can fit into the donation bin. The a...
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