Pass the ordinance granting a variance to reduce the amount of required off-street parking for Glacier Park Resubdivision No. 13 (Freddy's) - PZC 22-1-091
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly, AICP
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) conducted the public hearing on PZC 22-1-091 at their February 1, 2023 meeting. There were no public speakers on this case. At the conclusion of discussion, the PZC made a motion to approve PZC 22-1-091 subject to the conditions outlined by staff (vote 6-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property is a 14,910 square foot outlot that is generally located within the parking lot of the shopping center which is located on the east side of Route 59, north of Glacier Park Avenue. More specifically, the outlot is located just west of the existing commercial building and is currently paved over with parking spaces. The outlot has a common street address of 1967 Glacier Park Avenue and is zoned B2 (Community Shopping Center District).
The subject property was created as Lot 3 of the Glacier Park Resubdivision No. 9 in 2007 (Ordinance 07-130). The resubdivison allowed for the creation of two outlots, Lot 3 (10,800 sf in size) and Lot 2 (10,000 sf in size). These outlots were created to allow for future commercial development within the shopping center and were approved with a condition that they must be designated for uses which require a parking demand of 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or less. The current proposal is a request for a parking variance to allow for a fast-food establishment, which requires 17 parking spaces per 1,000 sf of gross floor area, to be constructed within the outlot.
The Petitioner, ABDH Partners, LLC, is proposing to construct a 3,230 square foot fast-food establishment with a drive-thru known as Freddy's within the outlo...
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