Approve the award of Bid 18-142, North Pump Station Interceptor Sewer Phase 1 - 30" Diameter CIPP Sanitary Sewer Main, to J.C. Dillion Inc. for an amount not to exceed $740,330, plus a 3% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: James Holzapfel, Director
In support of the City's goal of High Performing Government to provide reliable, efficient and high-quality services to the community, the Water Utilities issued Bid 18-142, North Pump Station Interceptor Sewer Phase 1 - 30" Diameter CIPP Sanitary Sewer Main, seeking a contractor to rehabilitate this aging sanitary interceptor sewer with glass-reinforced, UV cured-in-place lining. This is the first of a four-phase project to rehabilitate the North Pump Station Interceptor. When completed the interceptor and all manholes from Fort Hill and Jefferson to the wet well at the North Pump Station will be rehabilitated. All four phases are anticipated to be completed by 2023. This is due to the work needed at the Springbrook Interceptor scheduled for years 2019 and 2020.
The noted interceptor sewer is located along banks of the West Branch of the DuPage River and is susceptible to inundation during periods when the river's water elevation is high from wet weather events. Cracks and fissures in the pipe and the sewer's proximity to the river, provide conditions for the sewer to leak. Ground and surface water enter the sewer system through the cracks and fissures in the pipe and manholes, taking up system capacity, which contributes to sanitary sewer overflows and basement backups.
The UV cured-in-place rehabilitation process is a structural liner that will restore the assets structural integrity, seal up cracks and fissures, significantly reducing water from infiltrating and inflowing into the sewer system. Also, the project will rehabilitate seven sanitary manholes connected to the sewer.
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