Approve the award of Change Order #2 to Contract 21-394, Electrician Services, to Volt Electric Inc. for an amount not to exceed $27,747 and a total award of $216,238
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works - Public Buildings Operations (DPW-PBO) retains electrician services on an as-needed basis for work beyond the scope of in-house staff and/or to augment and improve efforts of DPW-PBO.
On February 2, 2022, the City Manager approved the original award of Contract 21-394 for a one-year term from February 2, 2022 to December 31, 2022, with four one-year options to extend the contract.
This Change Order is requested to add funds to cover the material and labor required to upgrade the automatic transfer switch (ATS) controls at Fire Station 7. The work includes providing new controls and cabinets, as well as retrofitting, lubrication, calibration, configuration, and functional testing of the switch. Lastly, all cables, wires and circuits will be labeled.
The existing transfer switch will require cycling prior to performing the work to guarantee proper mechanical operation. The switch will also require complete transfer after upgrade to ensure proper operation. This will require a temporary outage for a duration of 30 minutes for each switch. Outages will occur after hours and work will not impact any critical IT functions.
Additionally, funds are requested to upgrade the electric panel at Fire Station 3 from a 24-circuit box to a 100 amp, 30 circuit Square D box. The work will include separating circuits and install grounding to bring the power for both the station and station operations to code.
This additional work was not foreseeable at the time the original contract was signed. Work will be scheduled for fall and will be completed by December 30, 2022.
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