Waive the first reading and pass the ordinance establishing a "No Parking Zone" on the south side of Jefferson Avenue from a point 80 feet west of the centerline of Whispering Hills Drive to a point 165 west of the centerline of Whispering Hills Drive (requires six positive votes)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Andrew Hynes, City Traffic Engineer
On February 17, 2022, the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) approved (5-0) the recommendation to establish a "No Parking Zone" on the south side of Jefferson Avenue from a point 80 feet west of the centerline of Whispering Hills Drive to a point 165 west of the centerline of Whispering Hills Drive.
The City received a request to evaluate all-way stop controls at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Whispering Hills Drive from a local resident. The request cited concerns regarding sight distance when vehicles are parked on-street.
Whispering Hills Drive is currently stop controlled for Jefferson Avenue (two-way stop). This section of Jefferson Avenue is classified as a Collector roadway with a 25-mph speed limit. Whispering Hills Drive is a Neighborhood Connector roadway with a 25-mph speed limit.
No parking is currently allowed on the north side of Jefferson Avenue between Whispering Hills Drive and Birchwood Drive to the east. No parking is allowed on the other three corners (northwest, southwest, and southeast) of the intersection for a distance of 80 feet from the centerline of Whisperings Hills Drive.
City staff has evaluated the Jefferson Avenue and Whispering Hills Drive intersection for all-way stop control in accordance with the standards provided by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Analysis of this location found that it failed to meet the minimum thresholds for consideration of all-way stop control.
Staff also evaluated sight distance...
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