Approve the award of Bid 23-012, 2023 Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing-Tributaries of South Wastewater Pump Station, to RJN Group Inc. for an amount not to exceed $309,132, plus a 5% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The objective of the smoke testing program is to identify defects in the sanitary sewer system. Smoke testing is a relatively simple process consisting of blowing smoke mixed with large volumes of air into the sanitary sewer lines, usually induced through the manholes. The smoke travels the path of least resistance and quickly shows in areas that allow surface water to inflow into the sanitary sewer system. The smoke will identify broken manholes and improper connections, including roof drains, sump pumps, storm sewer connections, yard drains, uncapped lateral lines and even will show cracked mains and laterals. If the pipeline has openings leading to the surface or a storm sewer, the smoke will follow the pathway and be visible at ground level. This program is part of Naperville's ongoing effort to identify sources of rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII) in areas experiencing elevated flow during wet weather events.
In February 2023, the Water Utilities issued Bid 23-012 seeking a qualified contractor to provide smoke testing of approximately 172,699 linear feet of existing six 42-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipelines.
The areas targeted for the project are Old Farm, Winchester Place, Waterfront Estates, Baileywood and Maplebrook East. The sanitary sewer smoke testing program is part of the Water Utilities IEPA required 10-year infiltration and inflow reduction program.
Advertisement Date: 02/21/2023 Bid Opening Date: 03/06/2023
Notices Sent: 224 Plan holders: 14
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