Select either Option A or Option B and Pass the corresponding Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 (Animal Control) of Title 10 (Police Regulations) of the Naperville Municipal Code
DEPARTMENT: Legal Department
SUBMITTED BY: Kristen Foley, Senior Assistant City Attorney
BACKGROUND: At the August 15, 2017 City Council meeting, under New Business, Councilman Coyne, with the consensus of Council, directed staff to propose an ordinance for the protection of companion animals, considering the recent state legislation on sourcing of pets for pet stores, recent caselaw involving pet stores, and other similar suburban ordinances.
The proposed text amendment to Chapter 4 (Animal Control) of Title 10 (Police Regulations) was presented for first reading at the November 21, 2017. The proposed amendment included:
* Changes to the title of the Animal Control ordinance;
* Adopting the new state law regulating the sourcing of animals for sale in pet stores as a local ordinance;
* Prohibiting companion animals from making constant noise outside for more than 20 minutes during the day and more than 10 minutes at night;
* Prohibiting companion animals from being left in cars during certain extreme hot and cold weather conditions and exposed to certain weather conditions outside;
* Increasing microchipping requirements; and
* Increasing fines for violations.
Ten people spoke at the November 21, 2017 City Council meeting either supporting the proposed text amendment as presented or advocating for the City go further and adopt an outright prohibition on the sale of dogs sourced from commercial breeders, as the City of Chicago has done.
During the discussion, Council requested some clarification to the proposed text amendment. The text amendment now specifies that microchipping of animals impounded by Animal Control is limited to dogs and cats (not all animals) and that the temperature provisions concerning when pe...
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