Approve the award of RFP 19-130, Preliminary Engineering Consultant Services for the 87th Street Bridge, to Engineering Resource Associates for an amount not to exceed $159,069.63 (Item 1 of 3)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
The other related items on the City Council agenda are:
* 20-583, Adopt the resolution to appropriate funds for the 87th Street Bridge preliminary engineering consultant services contract
* 20-584, Adopt the resolution to approve the local-public agency agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation
The 87th Street bridge is located on the border of the counties of DuPage and Will, with the DuPage County Forest Preserve located immediately to the north and the Cedar Glen and Sunset Ridge subdivisions located to the south. The bridge is composed of a two-lane section, with one 12-foot lane of travel in each direction and no pedestrian accommodations. 87th Street is classified as a minor arterial with a current ADT of 10,800 vehicles.
This bridge was originally built in 1961 and is nearing the end of its design life. In 2018, staff conducted a feasibility study with preliminary analysis of alternatives to improve the bridge condition. The preliminary recommendation from this study was that the existing bridge should be replaced with a final determination upon completion of a full project development report.
To fund the project, the City applied for assistance through the Federal Bridge Program - STP-BR (Surface Transportation Program - Bridge) and obtained approval from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to perform the project. The Surface Transportation Program (STP) is a federal program which provides funding for projects that preserve and improve the conditions and performance on various transportation facilities. STP-BR is an IDOT Bridge Program ...
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