Approve the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2021 Annual Action Plan allocating $530,000 (Item 2 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: City Clerk's Office
SUBMITTED BY: Ruth Broder, Community Grants Coordinator
The attached Annual Action Plan (AAP) outlines how CDBG funds will be spent in Program Year 2021 and how these projects meet the objectives of the CDBG program and the Consolidated Plan. The Program Year 2021 Annual Action Plan represents the second year of the DuPage County Consortium 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan.
For Program Year 2021, the City of Naperville estimates that it will receive approximately $530,000 in CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). When the exact allocation amount is made available by Congress, the City will adjust the awards based on the Contingency Provisions discussed below.
To distribute the CDBG funding, the City held a Call for Projects and received eight capital improvement project applications totaling $368,800. Two applications, totaling $110,000, were submitted that were eligible for the City's Social Services Grant program as well as CDBG.
All applications were evaluated and scored by a multi-departmental team of staff from the City Clerk's Office, Naperville Police Department, Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission, and Senior Task Force.
Recommended awards/allocations
Affordable Rental Housing - $125,000
Illinois Independent Living Center
Acquire and rehabilitate a two-bedroom condominium unit for use as a permanently affordable rental unit in an apartment building providing affordable and accessible housing to low- and moderate-income disabled homeowners and renters. Approximately $100,000 will be used to acquire the unit (subject to results of an appraisal) and $25,000 will be used to rehabilitate the unit.
Affordable Owner...
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