Provide direction on potential options for moving forward on the 5th Avenue development.
DEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office
SUBMITTED BY: Marcie Schatz, Deputy City Manager
At the October 15, 2019 City Council meeting, seven residents spoke in public forum requesting that the City continue to move forward with the 5th Avenue project. City Council directed staff to bring back options to move the project forward.
After the October 15th City Council meeting, staff met with Jim Ruhl, Dr. Bob Buckman and Jessica Lyzun to discuss the project. Each is a member of the 5th Avenue Steering Committee and also spoke during public forum at the last meeting. Dr. Bob Buckman and Jessica Lyzun presented specific proposals on how to proceed.
Option #1 Neighborhood Driven Planning Process (presented by Dr. Bob Buckman) - This option consists of 9-11 residents from each of the surrounding neighborhoods (Pilgrim Addition, Park Addition, WHOA and ECHO for 36-44 participants) meeting together to create an acceptable plan for development in the 5th Avenue area. The participants would also include commuters. The concept is a neighborhood driven planning process that would reach out to members of the Working Groups to leverage the work completed by those groups in early 2018. The process would culminate in a workshop or public meeting with the City Council to present the consensus. It is anticipated that this proposal requires limited staff resources and that Ryan Companies would be involved in the discussion. Initial estimates for this timeframe is three months with a public meeting at the beginning of February. This proposal suspends or disbands the existing 5th Avenue Steering Committee. A written proposal and document pertaining to the existing Steering Committee are attached for your use (Attachments 1 & 2).
Option #2 Revised Steering Commit...
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