Option A: Concur with the petitioner and the Planning and Zoning Commission and pass the ordinance approving a variance to permit a 3-season room to encroach into the required rear setback at the subject property located at 2212 River Woods Dr., subject to certain conditions; or
Option B: Concur with staff and deny the request for a variance to permit a 3-season room encroach into the required rear setback at the subject property located at 2212 River Woods Dr.- PZC 19-1-124.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Scott Williams, AICP
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter on December 18, 2019 and voted to recommend approval of the request with a condition that includes the enclosed porch in the calculation of percentage of the required rear yard that may be occupied by detached accessory structures. (approved 7-0). While staff did not recommend approval of the variance, staff does concur with adopting the condition of approval if the variance is approved.
The subject property is generally located south of E. 87th St. and east of River Woods Drive and is zoned R1 (Low Density Single-Family Residence District). The property is approximately 0.37 acres and is improved with a single-family structure.
The petitioner and owner, Kimberly Wolf, is seeking to demolish the southern portion of the existing rear deck and construct a 3-season room as illustrated on the plat of survey. The petitioner is requesting approval of a variance from Section 6-6L-7:1 of the Naperville Municipal Code to allow the proposed 3-season room to encroach 11' into the 35' required rear yard setback. If approved, the enclosed porch would be approximately 21' deep by 21' wide (not factoring in existing bump-outs on the rear elevation) with approximately 235 square feet of the addition located in the required rear yard.
The petitioner'...
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