Approve the award of Option Year Two to Contract 16-347, Water Meter Testing and Repair, to HBK Water Meter Service, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $118,151.79
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
The Water Utilities tests large-diameter (2-inch and larger) water meters on a regular schedule in compliance with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards. This is to ensure accurate measurement of the water used by our largest customers. There are approximately 2,500 testable water meters at various locations throughout the City. Most are in commercial or multi-family residential buildings.
The City Council awarded Contract 16-347 to HBK Water Meter Service (HBK) on December 20, 2016, for a three-year term from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019, with two one-year options to extend. The first option year was approved by the Council on November 19, 2019.
During the first extension term of the contract, HBK provided residents with exceptional service. Even with challenges from the coronavirus, which included temporary work shut-downs, minimal in-person contact and required social distancing, HBK continued to successfully schedule meter testing, repairs, and meter exchanges (when required).
The Water Utilities also asked HBK to perform occasional non-scheduled meter testing and repairs or replacements due to unexpected meter issues. HBK completed the unscheduled work without hesitation. Water Utilities did not receive any complaints regarding HBK's customer service and work quality. Their work ethic, quality and customer service were in line with the City's standards. In all, HBK tested 353 large-diameter water meters during the first option year term of the contract.
Based upon the vendor's performance, the Water Utilities would like to extend the contract for the second and final option year. HBK agreed t...
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