Waive the first reading and pass the ordinance to restrict parking on the west side of Cedar Glade Drive from the centerline of Ledgestone Court to a point 120' north of the centerline of Ledgestone Court (requires six positive votes).
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Kelly Dunne, Project Manager
On August 1, 2019 the Transportation Advisory Board recommended approval of the parking restriction on Cedar Glade Drive (Approved 6-0); staff concurs.
The City received a request to investigate sight distance at the intersection of Cedar Glade Drive and Ledgestone Court. Cedar Glade Drive is a 37-foot wide Neighborhood Connector roadway posted 25 mph with one travel lane in each direction. Ledgestone Court is a standard cul-de-sac with center island and forms a T intersection at Cedar Glade Drive, with Ledgestone Court under stop control and Cedar Glade Drive uncontrolled.
The sight distance concern is that vehicles parked on Cedar Glade Drive prevent drivers exiting Ledgestone Court from seeing approaching traffic on the north leg of the intersection.
City staff investigated the concern and performed a sight distance study. Field observations noted that several vehicles are typically parked on the west side of Cedar Glade Drive, north of the intersection (see photo in attachment).
Stopping sight distance is the distance required for a moving vehicle to come to a complete stop, including perception-reaction time and time for the vehicle to decelerate. On Cedar Glade Drive, the 25 mph speed limit equates to a stopping sight distance of 155 feet, as determined by the standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
The attached exhibit shows that for a stopping sight distance of 155 feet, a portion of the area where vehicles currently park obstructs the line of sight between a sou...
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