Concur with staff's recommendation regarding positions on state legislation
DEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office
SUBMITTED BY: Marcie Schatz, Assistant to the City Manager
In this session, over 6,000 bills have been introduced in the Illinois Legislature. City staff works closely with, and receives recommended bill positions from, DuPage Mayors and Managers (DMMC), Illinois Municipal League (IML), Will County Governmental League (WCGL), Illinois Municipal Utility Agency (IMUA), and various Illinois professional organizations (Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, Public Works, etc.) Currently, DMMC has reviewed over 1,000 bills, is actively tracking 300 bills, and has taken a position on 86 bills.
At its January 21, 2025, meeting, the City Council approved the 2025 Legislative Priorities and the Legislative Review Process (Attachment A).
As communicated in the February 20, 2025 Manager's Memorandum (Attachment B), and in alignment with Path #3 of the Legislative Review Process, staff submitted witness slips on the following approved Legislative Priorities:
1. Sustainable public pensions
2. Increase the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF)
3. Responsible transit funding, governance, and service levels
4. Erosion of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Dollars
5. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and bodycams
6. Increase the penalty for fleeing and eluding from a police officer
7. Support electronic publication of statutorily mandated postings
8. Support municipal immunity from liability for cyberattacks
While there are hundreds of bills that have been introduced that could have an impact on the City, staff will continue to engage on a limited number of bills that support the approved Legislative Priorities and Legislative Principles.
Staff also considers bills that provide the City with greater benefits or flexibility in the delivery of services and those that ...
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