Approve the Calendar Year 2023 SECA Grant Fund Program City Obligation allocations in the amount of $969,272
DEPARTMENT: Community Services
SUBMITTED BY: Dawn Portner, Special Events Coordinator
A portion of the Special Events and Community Arts (SECA) Grant Fund Program is dedicated to obligations that must be funded in accordance with an ordinance, resolution, Intergovernmental Agreement, or in support of fund administration. In 2016, the City Council assumed review/allocation authority for these items and approved the SECA Commission recommendations to rename the category "City Obligations" and expand it to include the following recipients:
4th of July Fireworks and Shuttles Century Walk Maintenance
Carillion Maintenance Century Walk Public Art Program
DCM Purchase Reimbursement Grant Management Software
NDP Marketing Naperville Municipal Band
NCTV17 Event Coverage NCTV17 News
Riverwalk Maintenance Special Events Coordinator
Recent City Council Direction
On August 17, 2021, when the City Council approved the Calendar Year 2022 City Obligations allocations, it expressed concern regarding lack of financial oversight of the recipients and the need to examine the City's processes and controls for all grantees.
The City Council directed staff to develop an application process for City Obligations recipients similar to that of discretionary funding applicants.
As such, staff created a City Obligations Application which must be submitted with the corresponding legislative document. The new application requires applicants to explain the community impact of the request and the organization's SECA award history. The application also requires applicants to submit the most recently completed agency audit or annual financial statement, a detailed budget worksheet (provided by the City), Federal Form 990 (if required to file), and a Disclosure of ...
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