Approve the Award of Bid 17-182, Security Camera Installation, to Pace Systems for an amount not to exceed $184,720, plus a 5% contingency.
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The City has developed a five-year security camera installation plan to phase in additional security camera needs throughout the City and to address the replacement of existing security cameras as they reach the end of their useful life. This five-year plan is re-evaluated every year as part of the City's budget process. CIP project LR076 was created in 2016 to consolidate the management and installation of security cameras at all City sites.
The Department of Public Works advertised Bid 17-182 for the installation of new digital IP video camera equipment and related accessories, including programming the cameras into the existing Milestone video management system (VMS). Also included in this project is the conversion and upgrade of existing analog cameras currently on digital video recorder (DVR) to IP cameras viewable in Milestone VMS. Specifically, this project will include new security camera installations at 12 locations, including Fire Stations #1 and #7, the jail area at the Police Department, six Water Utilities sites, and three Electric Utility sites. In addition, cameras will be upgraded at the intersection of 75th
Street and Washington Street, the Public Works Service Center, and the Test Track.
There are two phases to the security camera installation. The first phase involves the installation of the necessary infrastructure to allow the cameras to communicate to the video management system (VMS) milestone servers. This work was awarded to F.H. Paschen at the December 5, 2017 City Council meeting.
The second phase involves the installation of the new digital IP video camera equipment and related accessories and is the work t...
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