Pass the ordinance approving setback and driveway variances for the property located at 104 Triton Lane - PZC 22-1-125
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Adam Beaver, AICP Candidate
1. Variances from Section 6-6A-7:1 (R1A/ Yard Requirements) to reduce the required corner side yard setback and to reduce the required rear yard setback.
2. A variance from Section 6-9-2:12.1.1 (Residential Driveway Design) to reduce the required driveway taper distance.
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) considered PZC 22-1-125 on April 6, 2023 and recommended approval of the request (approved 7-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property is zoned R1A (Low Density Single Family Residence District) and is located on the southwest corner of Triton Lane and Olympus Dr. The approximately 10,441 square foot lot is improved with a single-family residence. The owner and petitioner, Elizabeth Braham Spencer, requests approval of variances to construct an attached two-car garage and associated driveway expansion that does not meet the taper requirements.
The existing single-family home was constructed in 1961 and built to conform with the zoning setbacks of the time. The lot was rezoned in 1980 per Ordinance 80-005 as part of the City's comprehensive amendment to the zoning code. After rezoning, the existing home and garage no longer met the setback requirements; a condition that remains today. The existing home and one car garage currently encroach 12.76 feet into the corner side yard setback.
The Petitioner is proposing to demolish the existing attached one car garage and construct an attached two-car garage on the property. Due to the location of the home on the lot, the proposed garage would encroach into both the corner side yard setback and the rear yard setback. In order to provide access to the new garage, th...
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