Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 16-219, Temporary Employment Services, to Futurenet Group, LaSalle Network, Sentinel Technologies, and Stivers Staffing Services for an amount not to exceed $40,000 and a total award of $139,000
DEPARTMENT: Human Resources
SUBMITTED BY: James Sheehan, Director
On October 3, 2016, the City Manager approved the award of RFP 16-291, Temporary Employment Services in the amount of $99,000 and for a two-year term, with three, one-year options. The contract was awarded to four firms, Futurenet Group, LaSalle Network, Sentinel Technologies and Stivers Staffing Services to ensure qualified and experienced temporary personnel would be available to perform administrative, technical, accounting, clerical and general labor job responsibilities.
Since the contract was awarded, the Finance Department, Human Resources Department, IT Department and Department of Public Works have used the temporary employment services from these vendors. Specifically, these departments retained temporary staffing for the following functions:
* Finance - Performed data entry associated with the implementation of the financial module of the new ERP;
* Human Resources - Performed administrative work during open enrollment;
* IT - Filled the PC technician role for Public Safety until the position was replaced with a full-time position as of March 19, 2018; and
* Public Works - Performed custodial work at the Municipal Center.
The current contract term ends in approximately six months on October 2, 2018. To date, approximately $1,000 of the original award is available for use, which is not enough to accommodate currently identified temporary staffing needs:
* Following the roll out of the new ERP financial module, the Finance Department identified a need to hire a temporary employee to perform additional data entry to improve process ef...
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