Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 18-146, Leaf Disposal, to Tri-County Excavation & Construction for an amount not to exceed $9,000 and a total award of $76,500
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) manages the City's annual bulk curbside leaf collection program. DPW annually collects approximately 40,000 cubic yards of leaves through the curbside collection program. Most of the leaves picked up by City crews have traditionally been hauled to designated local farm land. Under the process used prior to CY2018, all leaves collected by the City crews were short dumped (dropped off at a collection site) on City property or trucked directly to local farm fields. Farm field availability and weather determines how much was dumped directly into the fields versus short dumped and then trucked later to an open field. Double handling the leaves is inefficient and costly due to the expense of cartage.
DPW issued Bid 18-146 to evaluate an alternative method of leaf disposal whereby the crews would dump leaves collected by DPW on designated City owned properties. The vendors that bid to compost the leaves would pick-up the leaves directly from the designated sites and take them to their property for composting.
In July 2018, the City Council approved the award of Contract 18-146 to Tri-County Excavation & Construction, Inc (Tri-County) for an amount not to exceed $67,500 and to Steve Piper and Sons for an amount not to exceed $32,500 for a one-year term with three, one year options to extend. The award amount allows for Steve Piper and Sons to dispose of up to 5,000 cubic yards and Tri County Excavation to dispose of up to 15,000 cubic yards of leaves. The remaining 20,000 cubic yards of leaves collected through the program will be disposed of on local farm fields through ...
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