Consider the petitioner's request to appeal the Historic Preservation Commission's decision regarding COA #19-25 for the subject property located at 105 S. Sleight
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Gabrielle Mattingly
A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) request was reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) on January 24, 2019 for the subject property located at 105 S. Sleight Street (COA #19-25). The COA request was to alter the window style on the east facing facade of the existing home located at this property by removing the existing picture window and the sidelights surrounding the picture window and instead install three double hung windows of equal size in its place. The HPC voted to recommend approval of the COA with a condition that middle proposed double hung window be approximately 6" wider than the two flanking double hung windows (vote 7,0).
The subject property is located within the historic district at 105 S. Sleight. The existing home is a 1.5 story, Queen Anne Cottage style residential home. It is an approximately 11,000 sq. ft. lot located at the southwest corner of Sleight Street and Van Buren Avenue. It is zoned R2 (Single-Family and Low-Density Multiple-Family Residence District).
Based on information provided in the Architectural and Historical Survey (2008) for the subject property, an alteration was made at some point to enlarge the 1st floor windows in order to construct a 3-part picture window.
The City of Naperville Municipal Code Section 6-11-8:2.2 requires a COA subject to Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) approval for work that will result in a change of window style of any window located on the primary fa?ade (Note: the primary fa?ade is defined as the portion of the fa?ade that abuts or is nearest to a front yard or corner side yard and is visible from a public str...
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