Approve Substantial Amendment #1C to the Program Year 2018 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan in the amount of $185,832 by canceling the Naperville Park District project and revising the award and scope of Naperville Elderly Homes, Little Friends, Inc., and Turning Pointe Autism Foundation projects (Item 2 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: City Clerk's Office
SUBMITTED BY: Ruth Broder, Community Grants Coordinator
The Annual Action Plan (AAP) outlines how Community Development Block (CDBG) funds will be spent in a certain program year and how the approved projects meet the objectives of the CDBG program and the Consolidated Plan.
Applications for Program Year 2018 CDBG funds were submitted in September 2017. The recommended awards were preliminarily approved by the City Council in March 2018. The AAP was based on the City's estimated CDBG allocation, however after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released Naperville's actual Program Year 2018 CDBG allocation, staff prepared a revised AAP accordingly. The revised AAP was submitted to HUD in June 2018, following the required 30-day public comment period and public hearing.
After the City received the Program Year 2018 funding agreement from HUD in October 2018, one recipient organization notified staff it was unable to accept the award and three other organizations requested substantial changes to the scope of their projects. Accordingly, the City is proposing Substantial Amendment #1C to the Program Year 2018 Annual Action Plan as follows:
Decline of Program Year 2018 award - Naperville Park District
The Naperville Park District was awarded $29,211 for restroom accessibility improvements at the Riverwalk Warming House.
This award was contingent on the Park District obtaining insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program. Ultimately, the estimates obtained were...
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