Waive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code and award the Surplus Donation of Unit 332, 2009 International Medtec Ambulance, to Naperville Sister City, Cancun, Mexico (requires six positive votes) (Item 1 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: Fire Department
SUBMITTED BY: Mark Puknaitis, Chief
Unit 332 was reviewed and approved by the Fleet Economic Committee and the City's fleet services manager for replacement in the 2020 budget. It was purchased in October 2009 and is used by the Fire Department Operations Division in a reserve capacity to provide patient care and transport 24 hours per day.
Donating Unit 332 to Cancun requires a Waiver of Section 1-9B-4 (Methods of Source Selection) of the Naperville Procurement Code because the recommended process is not one of the enumerated surplus disposal methods under the Code.
This item was originally considered at October 6, 2020 City Council meeting but failed with a 5-4 vote (six positive votes required due to the waiver of the Procurement Code.) At the October 20,, 2020 City Council meeting, several members of the public spoke during public forum in support of the donation of the ambulance. Under New Business, Councilman Kelly made a motion to reconsider this item at the next City Council meeting which passed by a vote of 8-1. A letter of support from Chief Hurtado of the Cancun Fire Department is attached. The change order to add $7,000 to the contract for the purchase of a new ambulance, reflecting the elimination of the trade-in value, is also included on this agenda.
On February 4, 2020, the City Council approved the award of Cooperative Procurement 20-045, Unit 332 Ambulance Replacement, to Foster Coach for an amount not to exceed $261,800. As part of the original procurement, surplus disposal was approved as a trade-in to Foster Coach at a value of $7,000. The trade-in value was reflect...
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