Approve the award of RFP 21-238, 2022 West Highlands and Maplebrook East Water Main Replacement to Deuchler Engineering Corporation for an amount not to exceed $85,335
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In July 2021, Water Utilities issued RFP 21-238 seeking to retain the services of a qualified and experienced consultant to prepare construction documents for a water main replacement project in the West Highlands Subdivision and Maplebrook East Subdivision. RFP 21-238 was issued to the consultants on the Water Utilities engineering services shortlist (details below).
The overall goal of the procurement is to replace approximately 5,700 feet of aging and deficient water main installed in the 1960s and 1970s, substantially upgrading the drinking water safety and level of service to customers and increasing the operational efficiency of the Water Utility. Work includes replacement of water services, fire hydrants and valve vaults.
In March 2018, Water Utilities completed a Request for Qualifications (RFQ-18-064) for engineering services for water and wastewater projects for a three-year term from July 30, 2018 through July 29, 2021, with four, one-year options to extend. Five consultants were shortlisted. The consultants are:
Crawford Murphy & Tilly, Inc.
Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc.
Donohue & Associates, Inc.
Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Strand Associates, Inc.
Advertisement Date: 7/02/2021 Notices Sent: 5
Opening Date: 7/21/2021 Planholders 5
Proposals Received: 3
Proposals were received from three shortlisted consultants:
Crawford Murphy & Tilly, Inc.
Deuchler Engineering Corporation
Strand Associates, Inc.
Donohue Associates declined to submit a proposal due to limited staff. A selection team comprised of staff from the Water Utilities evaluated propos...
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